Table of Contents Introduction Java this Keyword To refer to the current class instance variable To invoke the current class method and constructor Passed as an argument in method or constructor call To return the instance of the current class ...

Introduction Let’s say you have an array of n numbers, and this array can contain numbers from 0 to n-1. And for the numbers up to n, which are not present in the array, it has -1.  Now we have ...

Introduction Permutations are typically believed to be a mathematical topic, although this is not true. Mathematics is important in computer science because it teaches us how to communicate abstractly, work with algorithms, self-analyze our computational thinking, and represent real-world solutions ...

Introduction The longest common subsequence (LCS) is defined as the longest subsequence that is common to all the given sequences, provided that the elements of the subsequence are not required to occupy consecutive positions within the original sequences. Note: Subsequence ...

Introduction Have you always wanted to learn about stacks? Do you also want to know how to implement it in code or a way to visualize it? Then, you are at the right place. This article aims to provide you ...

Introduction Hi all! Let’s learn today about the most basic and important Searching Algorithm i.e. Linear Search.  Linear Search is a searching algorithm that helps in finding the element in the array and returning the respective index. Additionally, we could ...

Table of Contents Introduction Working of QuickSort First element as the Pivot Last Element as the Pivot Random Element as the Pivot The Median of 3 Method Algorithm of QuickSort Code for QuickSort in C++ QuickSort Time Complexity Analysis Best ...

Introduction  If you are someone looking forward to step into the world of Web Development, then you need to know that HTML and CSS are not just enough and Javascript has taken the world by storm. So you certainly need ...

As a response to the high demand for Data Scientists in the Software development industry, the foundation of Data Science BootCamps was laid, and to reward the founders, it has been a huge success, since its advent. Every year thousands ...

Introduction The Covid-19 crisis has been really harsh to the citizens worldwide. Due to many unforeseeable and unfortunate circumstances, people have to leave their job or they are fired from their current job. Many people presume that they won’t get ...