A tableau is a tool that allows you to visualise data in the most constructive format which can help make business decisions. Basically, a business intelligence tool that makes better decisions for the company but it is not only limited ...

AdaBoost is a short form for “Adaptive Boosting” which is the first practical boosting algorithm proposed by Freund and Schapire in 1996. It focuses on classification problems and aims to convert a group of weak classifiers into a robust one. The ...

Data Visualisation is a tool used by Data Scientist to convey important information represented by it to other people those who are not expert in the domain. Data is an extremely required part of this new age era with the ...

With the plethora of technological advancements, increasing internet speed and reducing costs of accessing the internet, we are constantly generating large amounts of data every second. Every time access our smartphone, laptop, smart TV or any other electronic gadget, we ...

The WireUs Challenge is an extrapolation of 100 days of code/project to learn and enhance your design and development skills. Pooja Gerais currently in the third semester of her graduation and is pursuing Bachelors in Technology in the field of ...

Chess is a strategy game played by two players on a board which is very popular worldwide. It has 64 squares arranged in an 8×8 square grid with the concept of winning the space by two kings with his whole ...

Introduction Clustering or cluster analysis is an unsupervised learning problem. It is often used as a knowledge analysis technique for locating interesting patterns in data, like groups of consumers supported their behaviour. There are many clustering algorithms to settle on ...

Deep Learning is nowadays on the boom because of the frameworks like Tensorflow and Keras. It has become easy to make Machine Learning model without actually knowing the working beneath it. Making a machine learning model using basic libraries is ...

Math helps in understanding logical reasoning and attention to detail. It enhances your abilities to think under pressure and increase your mental endurance. Mathematical concepts give the real solution of hypothetical or virtual problems. It is about structure, developing principles ...

Introduction Chicken and egg problems are major headaches for several entrepreneurs. Many machine learning (ML) problems affect an identical dilemma. If we all know A, we will determine B. Or, if we all know B, we will determine A. Either ...