Gearing up for your next interview and still confused about where to start in design patterns? This article lays the groundwork for understanding design patterns. Problems that occur very often in industrial tech life usually have well-defined solutions, which are ...

Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves”Tim Berners-Lee Some of the best books in the market that can help you have a firm grip on writing SQL queries and detailed knowledge of SQL books are ...

Angular deals with the View and Controller components of the MVC pattern software. You can make complex UI layouts easily. Web development has significantly changed in the last some years. No more web apps are only about HTML/CSS and JavaScript. ...

In 2003, Django was started by Simon Willison and Adrian Holovaty at the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper. They started Django as their internal project but with the growth in the project, they released it in July 2005 and named it Django, ...

Bootstrap is an open-source CSS and JavaScript toolkit which is useful for building beautiful and responsive web pages. It utilises the CSS grid system and flexbox properties to create responsive websites in a fast and easy manner. It is a ...

Web development once again is a hot topic in the coding world. Since the past five years, the web developer’s community has almost tripled, the number of jobs in the web development sector has doubled and everyday people are stepping ...

Before we begin building a responsive website, let us understand what it means. It does not mean that your website responds back to the user. If you were thinking your website will have a chat feature that sends users some ...

What is backend? How does it work? The visual part of a website, what the user sees when he visits it is known as the frontend and the interaction that the user has with the website is handled by backend. ...

Web Development is a skill you cannot learn by just studying the syntax. The real way to learn it is to implement it. No matter how small your project is, you learn something or other every time you put your ...

Have you got any ideas for your application and are searching for a better platform to develop it? It is a fresh scripting language that is expected to rule the future software development. Working with it is a smart move, ...