Introduction In this article, we’ll be continuing the discussion on Type Casting and Type Conversion in C++. So far, we’ve discussed Implicit Conversion and C-style Type Casting. If you have prior knowledge of these concepts, then go ahead. Otherwise, we ...

Introduction In general, the act of changing from one form to another is conversion. An example of conversion ( or transformation) is exchanging dollars for euros. In simple words, it’s converting the existing item with the newly desired item. They ...

Table of Contents Introduction Type Conversion Type Casting Type Conversion Vs Type Casting Frequently Asked Questions Key Takeaways Introduction Often, there might be instances where the variable’s data type has to be converted to some other data type in programming. ...

Introduction A significant part of programming involves playing around with data. While performing some tasks, situations might arise where the data type has to be changed from one type to another. For example, if the variable is of type string, ...