Introduction Java is the most popular programming language among developers. Even after new programming languages are developing, JAVA seems to get more widespread year on year. One of the reasons behind this is its platform independence. Programs can run on ...

Introduction Strings in C/C++ can be defined as an array of characters terminated with null character ‘\0’.A string is used to store characters. C language does not have a string data type, it uses a character array instead. Sequential collection ...

Introduction A string is one of the most popular data structures, probably equal to the array, and you will find at least one String question in any programming job interview. Today we will solve one of the most famous questions ...

Introduction The string is one of the most popular topics in programming job interviews. You will barely face a coding interview where the interviewer asks no string-based questions.  A string is a sequence of characters in computer programming, either as ...

Introduction A  string is a contiguous sequence of characters in computer programming, either as a literal constant or variable. Additionally, strings must be stored sequentially because it is a contiguous sequence of characters; And the best data structure for this ...

Introduction Reversing a string using a stack and Reserve a string in C++ and C is a common question in all interviews. Most of the technical interviews focus on the string as a major data structure. How can somebody solve ...

Introduction There are many times where we want to convert the numbers into strings and strings to numbers in C++. Here we are giving some methods by which you can do that easily. It helps basically when you code for ...

String searching or matching is you’ll be given a pattern and you have to look for that pattern in the given string if it exists or not. In other words, matching all occurrences of a pattern in a given string ...