Pyglet is a multimedia library for Python. It is basically used to build games and other visually rich applications. It works with window and Linux both. It supports user interface, game controlling and joystick too. It allows downloading videos, images ...

In this article, we are going to discuss what Python packages & modules are, to create our own & where they are located in our file system. We will further explore how Python modules and Python packages facilitate modular programming? Modular programming refers to the ...

Both Python and Javascript have different programming paradigms. Whenever you want to code something, you search for programming languages with different programming paradigms. Classifying them, we get two crucial programming language paradigms, i.e. procedural programming language and object-oriented programming language. ...

In Computer Science, a thread is defined as the smallest unit of execution with the independent set of instructions. In simple terms, a thread is a separate flow of execution, it means that our program will have two things happening ...

There are several reasons for using Python for Network Programming. The simplicity of python makes it the most powerful language. Network Fundamentals: Computer Networking aims to study and analyse the communication process among various computing devices or computer systems that ...

Python deservedly has a reputation for being an easy language to read and write. It’s got great documentation and a community that is very welcoming to beginners. As we dig deeper, we may find many aspects of the Python language that ...

Switch case statement introduces control flow in our program and ensures that our code is not cluttered by multiple ‘if’ statements. In that case, the Switch-case statement is a quicker and powerful programming feature that allows them to control the ...

Django creators have described it as “a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It takes care of the hassle of web development, enabling you to focus on writing your application” And we couldn’t help ...

In the previous article, we looked into what NodeJS and PHP are about and what their various features and differences are. It’s time now to look into a comparative understanding of PHP with another language, that is Python. Yes, that’s ...

In this tutorial, we are going to learn about Python as an Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) language. We are also going to see some fundamental concepts in OOP with the help of examples. As we all know that python is a high-level ...