Introduction  While writing Python code, you might have come across an instance where you want the accessibility of a variable to be restricted to a particular code block. The accessibility of the variables is controlled by limiting the scope of ...

Introduction Do you know the meaning of the word “Serendipity”?  If not, you’d probably just looked up the meaning, and you just made a happy and unexpected addition to your vocabulary.  Now, think back to the times when we couldn’t ...

Introduction Python is one of the most popular and fastest-growing programming languages in the world. Numerous open-source libraries have been created to make life easy for programmers and save several intensive hours of programming. However, there are 137,000 Python libraries! ...

Numpy is a python library used for operating with large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices. It is acknowledged to provide powerful tools and techniques to solve mathematical models of problems. What is Numpy? It is an open-source library and is the ...

Getting your hands-on real-world problems is the best way to test your coding skills. Python is now all the rage and has become one of the most popular programming languages.  Python is the latest programming language that works well for ...

Scikit-learn is probably the most useful library for machine learning in Python. The sklearn library contains a lot of efficient tools for machine learning and statistical modelling including classification, regression, clustering, model selection, preprocessing and dimensionality reduction. The predefined modules ...

In this section, we are going to discuss the Python Libraries their function and some features of these libraries. But, before discussing Python Libraries, firstly we must have a better understanding of the terms like “Modules” and “Packages”. A Module ...