Introduction We know that in Java, most of the things revolve around “Objects and Classes.” The objects and classes have various kinds of relationships that help us design software applications. The multiple relationships that exist in Java are based on ...

Introduction What comes to your mind when you first hear the word Inheritance?  Doesn’t it remind you of how someone at a family gathering said that you inherited your mother’s eyes or father’s hair? Well, that’s what inheritance is, even ...

Introduction In this article, we are going to learn static vs dynamic binding. We will see each of them in detail and then compare them based on their functionalities and where they are used. We know that Object-Oriented Programming is ...

Introduction Java is one of the most popular object-oriented programming languages. Every Java program must be enclosed inside a java class. Classes in Java are usually made up of data members and methods. The topic of methods is a vast ...

Introduction Java is an object-oriented programming language. Everything in Java is an object, all the programs, codes, and data reside within classes and objects.  Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction, classes, and objects are few important concepts of Object-Oriented Programming.  OOPs is ...

Introduction  Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is one of the main concepts in the programming world. The concept of OOP is tested in interviews, and hence it becomes essential to know the concepts of OOPs like Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation, and Polymorphism thoroughly.  ...

Introduction Object-Oriented Programming or OOP models can easily use or modify how programs and data interact with other objects. OOP Systems or OOPS make it easy to define the method during runtime and allow a diverse set of implementations. OOP ...

Introduction There are several approaches for developing code in programming languages. But the two most popular and important ones are object-oriented programming and procedural programming. Both programming styles are meant to be understood properly as they have become quite popular ...

Making a Phone Book application in C++ is interesting; as a result of it permits you to learn the language much. Creating sample applications in any programing language is a remarkable job. And this may be the most effective approach ...

Both Python and Javascript have different programming paradigms. Whenever you want to code something, you search for programming languages with different programming paradigms. Classifying them, we get two crucial programming language paradigms, i.e. procedural programming language and object-oriented programming language. ...