Introduction Have you always wanted to learn about stacks? Do you also want to know how to implement it in code or a way to visualize it? Then, you are at the right place. This article aims to provide you ...

Introduction A Linked List is a linear data structure that consists of nodes. Each Node contains a data field and a pointer to the next Node. In Linked List, unlike arrays, elements are not stored at contiguous memory locations but ...

Introduction You, along with three of your friends who are all beginner level programmers, are given the responsibility of implementing a Student Record Management System wherein the faculty should be able to Insert a Student Record, Delete a record, Modify ...

Introduction To Java Packages list Ain’t finding a book from a library containing thousands of books a tiring task?  Thousands of books, and you search for the one you are looking for right from the first shelf line by line. ...

Introduction Linked List is one of the most important topics for technical interviews to crack a job at product-based companies. Questions on the linked list are constantly asked in companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Flipkart. It’s crucial to have ...

If you are an engineering student, at some or other point, you must have been told that Data Structures are important. But also that we need to focus on development because that is what will make our portfolio and that ...

Each element in the linked list is known as a node. A node consists of two parts INFO and POINTER. The work of the INFO part is to store data, whereas the POINTER stores Address of the next node and ...

Table of Contents Linked List is a data structure which is of linear type. This article will help you learn how to solve it in Java. Why Linked List? Structure of Linked List: Creating a node in Java: Types of ...

One of the most famous interview questions for beginners as well as Java developers with two-three years of experience is the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList. Before getting into differences, let’s understand the similarities between ArrayList and LinkedList so that ...

Floyd’s cycle-finding algorithm is a pointer algorithm that uses only two pointers, moving through the sequence at different speeds. It states the usage of Linked List in this algorithm and its output. The purpose is to determine whether the linked list ...