Introduction According to Wikipedia, in computing, a persistent data structure is a data structure that always preserves the previous version of itself when it is modified. Such data structures are effectively immutable, as their operations do not (visibly) update the ...

If you are an engineering student, at some or other point, you must have been told that Data Structures are important. But also that we need to focus on development because that is what will make our portfolio and that ...

Heap is a popular data structure used in various forms like Min heap and max heap and is mostly used to reduce the time complexity of complex problems. But here we will be discussing a bit different kind of Heap, ...

Before diving straight into the practical data structures for front-end applications, let’s first understand what is a front-end Application? And why is it important? Introduction What is Front-end Application? The front-end as the name suggests is the part of your ...

“To understand a sort in recursion, one must first understand recursion.” In data structures and algorithms, we have always come across the popular use of stack i.e., the LIFO data structure. In the real-world application.” It has proved to be ...

According to Wikipedia, in computing and graph theory, a dynamic connectivity structure is a data structure that dynamically maintains information about the connected components of a graph. Introduction In other words, a Dynamic connectivity Problem is a problem in which ...

Introduction Reversing a string using a stack and Reserve a string in C++ and C is a common question in all interviews. Most of the technical interviews focus on the string as a major data structure. How can somebody solve ...

Introduction It is a way of organizing, arranging, and storing the data in such a way that the data can be accessed or retrieved easily or some of the operations can be performed in an efficient manner. It is very ...

Introduction Big O notation i.e. basically expressing the time/space complexity of an algorithm in terms of Big O comes in the role when you want to find the time/space consumed by your algorithm. Because we all know one thing that ...

Inversion count for an array is defined as for an array (say arr) with size n, two elements form an inversion arr[i] and arr[j] for every i and j such that arr[i] > arr[j].  This problem is most asked in ...