Introduction Linked List is one of the most important topics for technical interviews to crack a job at product-based companies. Questions on the linked list are constantly asked in companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Flipkart. It’s crucial to have ...

Introduction “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” You guessed it right: Dynamic programming! You must have heard about it while preparing for technical interviews or struggled through it in a data structures course or maybe ...

Introduction Have you at any point stuck in the circle of dreams called Fake Awakeness where you think you emerged from a plan? However, you’re not last; you come out when you have a stun or complex issue in a ...

Introduction Good preparation is required for a successful interview. You never know what questions the interviewer can ask you in an interview. They test the knowledge of the candidate and assess their experience. You can answer these questions if you ...

Introduction to Linear search in C In data structures, searching is the technique of finding elements from the given data sets. There are many algorithms present to do so and Linear search is one of them. If we compare each ...

Introduction Data Structures is one of the foundation courses in Computer Science. Essentially, it includes concepts such as stacks, queues, graphs, algorithm analysis, sorting algorithms, linked lists, and set implementations (binary search trees and hash tables). While it is true ...

Introduction Proficiency in the practices of Data structures and algorithms is the key to ace any coding test/interview but what matters the most the way one learns Data structures. An efficient learning approach combined with consistency will help you master ...

Introduction Water Jug Problem is also known as Water Pouring Puzzles, measuring puzzles and decanting problems. These belong to a class of puzzles, in which there are a finite and specific number of water jugs having predefined integral capacities, in ...

Bloom filters are one of that concept that always confused me for the longest time in Computer Science. I’m going to take few minutes to actually explain it to you guys and not what are they but why do they ...

Why is data structures and algorithms the first step? The amount of times that emphasis has been laid on the fact that data structures and algorithms are the most important topics in order to get good at programming is infinite. ...