Introduction A linked list is a linear data structure that consists of nodes. Each Node contains a data field and a pointer to the next Node. In Linked List, unlike arrays, elements are not stored at contiguous memory locations but ...

Introduction Problems related to mathematical expressions are found in abundance in almost every coding contest. Balanced parentheses, Infix, postfix, and prefix conversions are some of them.  One such problem is checking whether the given mathematical expression contains redundant parenthesis. A ...

Introduction Imagine you are given a bunch of food items to eat. It includes your favourite as well as your non-favourite food items. Now you have to decide according to your preference which item you would like to eat first. ...

Introduction Let’s start with reading the problem statement of Stock Span –  You are given a list of stock prices of “n” days, and you need to find the span of each stock’s price for all the “n” days.  Consider ...

Introduction Finding substrings and subsequences are popular topics in programming job interviews, along with array, binary tree, and linked list data structures. Today we will look at a problem called “Longest Palindromic Substring,” frequently asked in product companies such as ...

Introduction In software engineering, the ways that we choose to organize our data is half the battle. When it comes to managing the data, many tools could do the job for us. ”Understanding of WHEN TO USE? WHY USE IT? ...

Introduction Let’s say, You have to find out the smallest, 2nd smallest, and then the 3rd smallest number of the six numbers above. It seems to be an effortless task to achieve. In programming, you must have come across problems ...

Introduction This article will discuss a problem asked in interviews of product-based companies like Google and Adobe. The problem statement we are given is as follows. “Find the total number of paths for travelling from top-left to bottom-right of the ...

Introduction Strings constitute a variety of questions asked during various coding contests and exams. Finding the longest common substring with two given strings is an important one. In this blog, we’ll be explaining the concepts of substring and various programming ...

Introduction The string is one of the most popular topics in programming job interviews. You will barely face a coding interview where the interviewer asks no string-based questions.  A string is a sequence of characters in computer programming, either as ...