PHP is a general-purpose scripting language whereas Nodejs is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end, JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. To gain in-depth knowledge of their functioning, lets take a look at the article. PHP is ...

Ever thought of how online dictionaries work? Data Structures is the reason how the words that you search gets displayed so instantly and even when you are not sure about the complete word the suggestions pop up. There are a ...

Java is one of the earliest Object-Oriented programming languages, which was developed by James Gosling in the early 1990s. The development team initiated the development of Java as there was a dire need for a language to manipulate the working ...

The competition and comparison among programming languages are just never-ending. Are you also on a similar fork and want to decide yourself – C# or Python? This article is for you. This is all the information you need to know ...

Deep Java Library, abbreviated as DJL is an open-source library used for building and deploying deep learning models compatible with Java with its large-scale and high-level APIs. DJL is highly reliable as it is developed and maintained by the Amazon ...

Remember the childhood snake and ladder game which we used to play? Well, in this article we will be discussing the same game and its implementation in programming. The problem statement that we will be solving is- Given a snake ...

Java is a well-ordered, object-oriented programming language, which can be easily learnt by beginners. Java comes with an extended set of well-defined libraries and automated processes, which makes creating objects and calling functions easy for beginners. If you are a ...

Introduction There are several approaches for developing code in programming languages. But the two most popular and important ones are object-oriented programming and procedural programming. Both programming styles are meant to be understood properly as they have become quite popular ...

Introduction We all have come across a term called Heap. Generally, we have used Heap as a memory storage area where the storage occurs in dynamic memory allocation, right? Well, Heap is basically a tree type data structure which is ...

In 2003, Django was started by Simon Willison and Adrian Holovaty at the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper. They started Django as their internal project but with the growth in the project, they released it in July 2005 and named it Django, ...