Introduction Why don’t you give a try to solve the problem by yourself before reading the article from here are array Sort 0 1 2? Please make sure you try at least once it will help you understanding more. The ...

Competitive Programming is pretty much the key term that we all hear these days, right? People getting into FAANG, cracking difficult coding interviews and at the base of all of this is what we are going to learn about. So, ...

No!!! Java is not fully an object-oriented language. Let’s find out how? Today we are going to discuss the most widespread argument about Java, over the last decade many Java developers have argued on whether Java a pure object-oriented language ...

Introduction Big O notation i.e. basically expressing the time/space complexity of an algorithm in terms of Big O comes in the role when you want to find the time/space consumed by your algorithm. Because we all know one thing that ...

Introduction Angular is a single platform framework for mobile, desktop, and web applications. With angular, you can build applications easily with the help of declarative templates. Before learning about Angular Alternatives, let’s learn the basics of web development. It is ...

Inversion count for an array is defined as for an array (say arr) with size n, two elements form an inversion arr[i] and arr[j] for every i and j such that arr[i] > arr[j].  This problem is most asked in ...

Introduction Programming languages are a type of computer language that is used to implement algorithms on computers. One of the most challenging questions in today’s world that we all face is which programming language should be chosen for learning Data ...

Congratulations on taking the first and the most important step towards building a great career in Software Development, that is the curiosity to find out how to build a great career. With this intent to work hard and build your ...

Introduction In this article, we will be discussing an exciting problem that is very popular in developer interviews. This is the well-known Nuts and Bolts problem. It’s quite easy to solve the problem in the brute force approach but and ...

Arrays are a collection of items which can be accessed by a single key. The article will explain on converting an object to an array in PHP. Because Arrays in PHP can be used for storing data which is logically ...