Introduction Finding substrings and subsequences are popular topics in programming job interviews, along with array, binary tree, and linked list data structures. Today we will look at a problem called “Longest Palindromic Substring,” frequently asked in product companies such as ...

Introduction For writing complex mathematical expressions, we generally prefer parentheses to make them more readable. In computers, expressions with various parentheses add unnecessary work while solving. So, to minimize the computational works, various notations have been made. Prefix and Postfix ...

Introduction Assume you’ve been called in for an interview at your dream company. After reading some of the interview experiences, you realise that your dream company has an inexplicable affection for Git. With the little time you had, you hurriedly ...

Introduction The engineers worldwide were working around the clock as the economies struggled with a trivial yet powerful software bug. Y2K, also known as the millennium bug, was the computer’s inability to differentiate between the years 1900 and 2000.  Back ...

Introduction With the introduction of modern operating systems, the performance of a CPU attained new heights. Several processes are handled by the CPU at one time, increasing the overall performance of the system.  Memory acts as the central point of ...

Introduction You open your system in the morning, you open your mailbox, text someone on chat, join your meetings, and have you ever wondered that all this happens at the same time, within some seconds. Let’s examine how the algorithm ...

Introduction Teachers are one of the most respected members of our society. They shape the future of our nation and the lives of the thousands of students they educate throughout their professional life. Teachers are highly adored and loved by ...

Introduction In general, functions are the behavior of an object. Now, what are the objects?  Consider You and I as objects. So our behavior or the activities we perform daily like eating, sleeping, coding, etc., are the functions. It’s undeniable ...

Table of Contents Introduction Java this Keyword To refer to the current class instance variable To invoke the current class method and constructor Passed as an argument in method or constructor call To return the instance of the current class ...

Introduction The Java programming language created by James Gosling in the early 1990s is one of the most popular programming languages. No wonder Java is the second most demanded programming language with around 70K job postings in January 2020, as ...