Introduction Let’s learn today about an efficient Searching Algorithm, i.e., Binary Search. It is also known as half interval search, logarithmic search, and binary chop.   It is a searching algorithm that helps find the element in the array and return ...

Introduction Database Management Systems is the most important subject of Computer Science. In this blog, we are covering the most asked DBMS Interview Questions. So here, we will be converting the most important DBMS Interview Questions related to this subject ...

Introduction  Before getting started, let’s visualise an example that will help you understand Array’s use case in Python. Imagine you have been told to keep the count of the Bitcoin market prices during the pandemic. What will you do? Will ...

Introduction This blog lists down the most relevant 30 basic PHP Interview questions. Questions in this blog are easy as per difficulty but have a high chance of being asked as introductory PHP Interview questions. These are questions related to ...

Introduction Let’s start with reading the problem statement of Stock Span –  You are given a list of stock prices of “n” days, and you need to find the span of each stock’s price for all the “n” days.  Consider ...

Introduction In this blog, you learn to solve the problem Longest Consecutive Subsequence. But before that, you need to be very clear about the definition of subsequence. Most of the people remain confused between subarray and subsequence, so let’s discuss ...

Introduction  Before we move any further, let’s first understand what we mean by lists in general. We have all heard of lists in our daily lives, whether it’s a list of household items handed to you by your mother or ...

Introduction The fast-paced digital transformations are forcing companies to become more resilient against disruption due to outdated technology or a lack of skills. In order to do this, organisations are increasingly investing in training their employees so that they are ...

Introduction Coding is fun and encourages individuals to become more creative. When you are coding, it requires you to think about different problems and provide new solutions to challenges constantly. This reflects in any field of work, especially when you ...

Introduction In python programming or any other programming language, looping over the sequence (or traversing) is the most common aspect. While loops and for loops are two loops in python that can handle most of the repeated tasks executed by ...