Introduction It is a way of organizing, arranging, and storing the data in such a way that the data can be accessed or retrieved easily or some of the operations can be performed in an efficient manner. It is very ...

Congratulations on taking the first and the most important step towards building a great career in Software Development, that is the curiosity to find out how to build a great career. With this intent to work hard and build your ...

Each element in the linked list is known as a node. A node consists of two parts INFO and POINTER. The work of the INFO part is to store data, whereas the POINTER stores Address of the next node and ...

C++ is a powerful language which many successful programmers chose and still choose. These days there are many programming languages which are easy to learn and fast to apply but it all hinges on the goal we want to achieve ...

Have you ever wondered what would be the next-gen “C” language after some years? Well, that’s becoming pretty simple by the trend of “GOLANG” these days. According to PPYL and GitHub, it is the fastest-growing language.  Let us have a ...

In this article, we will learn about the basic functioning of default arguments and virtual functions following with the participation of default arguments in case of virtual functions. Let us first understand the basic meanings of both the terms in ...

This article will give you in-depth information about the command line in C++ with uses and implementation. The name is given after the name of the program in the command-line shell of Operating Systems. Whenever we write a program and ...

In this article, we will learn about the concept of array decay in C++ and the various methods by which it can be prevented. The loss of size and dimensions of our array is called an array decay. It can lead ...

Heap Data Structure is a special Tree-based data structure that is a complete binary Tree. In Heap Structure all node are in a specific order. A number of children of a node generally depends on the type of heap. However, ...

Introduction This article will give you a brief about the data types in C++. Just like every course has some categories, every variable in programming has a special category to which it is assigned and it is called the data ...