Introduction Most of the competitive coding questions are loaded with different problems of reverse Strings, Arrays, Data Structures, and many more. Reversing a string is one of the important problems that are famous across many competitive coding problem banks. The ...

Introduction Virtual functions are used for tasking compilers with performing dynamic linkages or late-binding functions. A single pointer must be used for referring to objects of every class. So, virtual functions are used when the derived class objects end up ...

Introduction  C++ is a powerful language that offers various functions to offer its users more power over the language and mould it in accordance with their needs. To help work with classes efficiently, C++ has introduced friend functions that help ...

Introduction  What would happen if two functions with the same name are declared? Would this throw an error?  If the parameters and their order are exactly the same, then yes. Otherwise, it leads to a situation known as function overloading. ...

Introduction While coding in C++ we have come across both of these terms and we might have also used them interchangeably. Structure and Class in C++ are quite similar to refer to and most of the time we fail to ...

Introduction Sorting in programming refers to placing the elements of a data structure in a specific and meaningful manner. Sorting is an essential part of data processing. Efficient sorting algorithms are crucial so that we can perform operations that require ...

Introduction to C++ Originally developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in the year 1985 (publication) by enhancing C and adding the object-oriented programming concept to the language at cost of some speed. It is an intermediate-level language having strong application building features ...

Introduction Binary search in C++ is a great way to experiment with the binary search algorithm to program searching applications using C++ Standard Template Library (C++ STL). It is a compact and valuable methodology that helps budding programmers and developers ...

Introduction To Programming Languages Earlier knowing any one of the programming languages thoroughly was sufficient to get a lucrative IT job. Nowadays, numerous programming languages have been devised and the IT sector has been more and more competitive, for any ...

Are you planning to learn a programming language and confused about which will be best for you? In this article, we will look at the top six languages you can choose from.   Introduction There are around 200 programming languages ...