Introduction A. J. Perlis and C. Thornton have proposed a new binary tree called “Threaded Binary Tree“, which uses NULL pointers to improve its traversal process. In a threaded binary tree, NULL pointers are replaced by references of other nodes ...

Introduction Binary search in C++ is a great way to experiment with the binary search algorithm to program searching applications using C++ Standard Template Library (C++ STL). It is a compact and valuable methodology that helps budding programmers and developers ...

In programming, we have come across BST and Hash Table applications very often. But most of the times we prefer to use hash table even if the space complexity increases. But in this article, we will be looking into the ...

Introduction Most of the time in programming we tend to have a real-world data structure to implement business logic and functions. One of the most prevailing data structures for this purpose is called a Tree. In basic data structures, we ...