Table of Contents Introduction Java this Keyword To refer to the current class instance variable To invoke the current class method and constructor Passed as an argument in method or constructor call To return the instance of the current class ...

Introduction The Java programming language created by James Gosling in the early 1990s is one of the most popular programming languages. No wonder Java is the second most demanded programming language with around 70K job postings in January 2020, as ...

Introduction Java has a predefined String class that represents character strings. All string literals in Java programs, such as “Hello”, are implemented as instances of this class. For a better grasp of each concept, this article on Strings in Java ...

Table of Contents Introduction Creation of Strings in Java By using a string literal By string constructor Immutability of Strings in Java Reason for immutability Fellow classes of Java String Class String Buffer String Builder Differences between StringBuffer and StringBuilder ...

Introduction Classes and Objects are the backbones of Java. A class specifies the shape and nature of an object. It is the logical concept upon which the entire Java language is based. Classes serve as the foundation for Java object-oriented ...

Introduction  Most programming languages have a built-in sort function, but we need to understand the sorting algorithms to understand the code effectively. The algorithm which we are going to explore in this blog is Selection Sort.  A selection sort algorithm ...

Introduction A Linked List is a linear data structure that consists of nodes. Each Node contains a data field and a pointer to the next Node. In Linked List, unlike arrays, elements are not stored at contiguous memory locations but ...

Introduction Remember this diagram from our biology book in school? It shows us how light passes through our eyes, enabling us to see.  But now, as we’re reading this article, we aren’t bothered about how we’re reading it, are we? ...

Introduction You, along with three of your friends who are all beginner level programmers, are given the responsibility of implementing a Student Record Management System wherein the faculty should be able to Insert a Student Record, Delete a record, Modify ...

Introduction To Java Packages list Ain’t finding a book from a library containing thousands of books a tiring task?  Thousands of books, and you search for the one you are looking for right from the first shelf line by line. ...