Introduction Today’s problem, i.e., –“Flood fill Algorithm”, is highly asked in product-based companies like Amazon, Google and Microsoft. We’ll go over all the methods, including brute force and the most efficient way to solve this problem. Without further ado, let’s ...

Introduction Let’s say, You have to find out the smallest, 2nd smallest, and then the 3rd smallest number of the six numbers above. It seems to be an effortless task to achieve. In programming, you must have come across problems ...

Table of Contents Introduction Type Conversion Type Casting Type Conversion Vs Type Casting Frequently Asked Questions Key Takeaways Introduction Often, there might be instances where the variable’s data type has to be converted to some other data type in programming. ...

Introduction Memory allocation can be defined as the process of allocating portions of memory inside programs. This is done so that memory can be used for storing variables or instances of classes and structures. For example, when variables are declared, ...

Table of Contents Introduction What is a substring?  Method 1: Brute Force  Method 2: Dynamic programming Method 3: (Space Optimised Approach) Frequently Asked Questions Key Takeaways Introduction Finding substrings and subsequences are popular topics in programming job interviews, along with ...

Introduction This article will discuss a problem asked in interviews of product-based companies like Google and Adobe. The problem statement we are given is as follows. “Find the total number of paths for travelling from top-left to bottom-right of the ...

Introduction Strings constitute a variety of questions asked during various coding contests and exams. Finding the longest common substring with two given strings is an important one. In this blog, we’ll be explaining the concepts of substring and various programming ...

Introduction Wherever you go through an interview, it is rare to know that there is no question asked on arrays, and as arrays are categorised into three types, basically as: One dimensional array Two-dimensional arrays Multidimensional arrays  So, today we ...

Introduction  We know every node of the binary tree stores the data value of the node and the address pointers of the left and right children. If a node in a binary tree does not have a left or right ...

Introduction The string is one of the most popular topics in programming job interviews. You will barely face a coding interview where the interviewer asks no string-based questions.  A string is a sequence of characters in computer programming, either as ...