Introduction Strings in C/C++ can be defined as an array of characters terminated with null character ‘\0’.A string is used to store characters. C language does not have a string data type, it uses a character array instead. Sequential collection ...

Introduction Like an array, a linked list is a linear data structure. A linear data structure is one where its elements are arranged sequentially in order. Linked Lists are dynamically expanding and contracting forms of data structure implementations in various ...

Table of Contents Introduction Using Auxiliary Space Approach 1 Input Output Time Complexity Space Complexity Approach 2 Input Output Time Complexity Space Complexity Without Using Auxiliary Space Approach 1 Input Output Time Complexity Space Complexity Approach 2 Input Output Time ...

Introduction A. J. Perlis and C. Thornton have proposed a new binary tree called “Threaded Binary Tree“, which uses NULL pointers to improve its traversal process. In a threaded binary tree, NULL pointers are replaced by references of other nodes ...

Introduction In this article, we will discuss a special case of Josephus problem, when k=2. But before that, we recommend you to visit the previous blog on ‘How to solve Josephus problem using Recursion and Linked List’. We discussed in ...

Introduction Sorting in programming refers to placing the elements of a data structure in a specific and meaningful manner. Sorting is an essential part of data processing. Efficient sorting algorithms are crucial so that we can perform operations that require ...

Table of Contents Introduction Structure of Node in Threaded Binary Tree How to convert a binary tree to a threaded binary tree? Approach 1 Approach 2 (Better Solution) Frequently Asked Questions Key Takeaways Introduction A threaded binary tree is just ...

Introduction A linked list is a type of linear data structure that uses nodes to store the data. Each node in a linked list is a structure-defined data type that consists of data and a pointer referencing the address of ...

Introduction Imagine you are given a bunch of food items to eat. It includes your favourite as well as your non-favourite food items. Now you have to decide according to your preference which item you would like to eat first. ...

Introduction A string is one of the most popular data structures, probably equal to the array, and you will find at least one String question in any programming job interview. Today we will solve one of the most famous questions ...