Introduction Deleting, inserting, searching, and popping are some basic operations done in the stack data structure. There are a whole lot of problems available with these operations. For example, Inserting element at the bottom of a stack.  Problem Statement Given ...

Table of Contents Introduction The Naive Approach Algorithm Implementation of the Naive Approach The Optimized Approach Algorithm Implementation of the Optimized Approach Frequently Asked Questions Key Takeaways Introduction Let’s imagine a scenario in which we have a rotated sorted array ...

Introduction Before diving into the problem, let’s understand the concept behind the sorted and rotated array for a clear vision. Unlike the standard arrays, the elements are stored in ascending or descending order in a sorted array. For example: We ...

Introduction Reversing a Queue is one of the most fundamental questions in the queue it is generally not asked directly in interviews but is used to solve various questions asked in interviews. It is crucial to understand the in and ...

Introduction Spooling can be defined as a mediatory process between applications and slower peripherals such as printers and punch card readers. Fundamentally, it is a multivariate method of transferring data between various devices. During spooling, data is sent to temporary ...

Introduction Almost all of us have played Chinese Whispers. If you haven’t, it’s a game where a person whispers a message to the next person until the end of the row. This game is popularly played to break the ice ...

Introduction In this article, we will discuss a very interesting problem – Clone a linked list with next and random pointer. There are problems where you need to clone a singly linked list or a doubly-linked list, but this one ...

Introduction Java is the most popular programming language among developers. Even after new programming languages are developing, JAVA seems to get more widespread year on year. One of the reasons behind this is its platform independence. Programs can run on ...

Introduction One of the most feared things by human beings is a failure. The extent to which people push themselves to avoid disappointment is quite surprising, but being prepared is one of the easiest ways to steer clear of it. ...

Introduction Suppose you are given an array containing integers and asked to move all the zeros to the end of the array. While doing that, you have to ensure that the non-zero numbers in the array appear in the same ...