A functional program is a program that describes how to compute a function, in the mathematical sense of the word, that is, a contraption that always spits out the same output for the same input and does nothing else except ...

We will discuss important mathematics concept sets first to represent equivalence sets of elements where the order doesn’t matter. The Disjoint sets ADT is the most used data structure for graph problems. Let us first discuss about sets and their ...

An array is a random access data structure, where each element can be accessed directly and in constant time. A typical illustration of random access is a book – each page of the book can be open independently of others. Random access ...

Introduction Dynamic programming is an optimization for recursion as we have to go calculate the same calculation, again and again, making a stack going in-depth but using DP this problem can be overcome. What we do in dynamic programming instead ...

String searching or matching is you’ll be given a pattern and you have to look for that pattern in the given string if it exists or not. In other words, matching all occurrences of a pattern in a given string ...

One of the earliest known numerical algorithms is that developed by Euclid (the father of geometry) in about 300 B.C. for computing the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two positive integers. Euclid’s algorithm is an efficient method for calculating the ...

In today’s era Python is something that is widely used. It is used in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and a number of websites we use on a daily basis. Youtube, Instagram, and Quora use Python. In all these applications where ...

Sorting is an arrangement of data in a particular order. But if we talk about sorting in Data Structure then it’s more relevant to rearrange the data or element in ascending or descending order which can be lexicographical, numerical, or ...

Every second, there is a huge amount of data generated that may be structured and maybe unstructured as well. Before moving to this let’s have a look at what exactly this huge data is. What is Big Data? Big Data ...

No one would like to repeat the same work again and again. To build a good solution to aproblem it is really needed to analyse the problem and then design the solution. What if wedesign something without analysing the problem ...