Arrays are a collection of items which can be accessed by a single key. The article will explain on converting an object to an array in PHP. Because Arrays in PHP can be used for storing data which is logically ...

Ever thought of how online dictionaries work? Data Structures is the reason how the words that you search gets displayed so instantly and even when you are not sure about the complete word the suggestions pop up. There are a ...

Remember the childhood snake and ladder game which we used to play? Well, in this article we will be discussing the same game and its implementation in programming. The problem statement that we will be solving is- Given a snake ...

Introduction We all have come across a term called Heap. Generally, we have used Heap as a memory storage area where the storage occurs in dynamic memory allocation, right? Well, Heap is basically a tree type data structure which is ...

Introduction We all have come across the terms of e-trading, stocks, etc., right? Well, here this time we have kind of the same problem although don’t worry we won’t be dealing with trading algorithms or that sort. This stock span ...

Each element in the linked list is known as a node. A node consists of two parts INFO and POINTER. The work of the INFO part is to store data, whereas the POINTER stores Address of the next node and ...

The most popular chess game programming problem! Even if you haven’t played chess lets make this easy and simple to understand. This Knight’s tour problem defines that if it is possible to travel all the possible blocks of chess from ...

In this article, we will be going through an interesting problem. Boggle is a word game where players race to find words hidden in a grid of letters. We are given an MxN board where each cell has some character in ...

In programming, we have come across BST and Hash Table applications very often. But most of the times we prefer to use hash table even if the space complexity increases. But in this article, we will be looking into the ...

Bridges in a graph are the edges which when removed makes the graph disconnected. In case of an undirected graph, the definition remains the same, i.e. a bridge is an edge which when removed increases the number of connected components. ...