Introduction If you are admitted to a Tier 3 engineering college, you are likely inundated with underwhelming statistics. Approximately only 50% of the passing class may get placements, and the average package would be no more than 3-6 LPA. Possibly ...

Introduction International Business Machines Corporation aka IBM, a multinational technology American IT firm is all set to commence its off-campus recruitment drive for freshers for entry-level positions. Students from 2018,2019 and 2020 batches who have completed their graduation/post-graduation in B.E/B.Tech, ...

Introduction Contrary to popular belief, joining product based companies such as Amazon or any of the big four corporations does not always require a degree from a Tier 1 or Tier 2 college, even though it is much appreciated and ...

Introduction AngularJS, an open-source front-end web framework, was released ten years ago on October 10, 2010. Six years later, the same team at Google that created AngularJS, released Angular, also an open-source front-end web framework often cited as Angular 2.  ...

Introduction The wait is over for all the enthusiasts you have been consistently preparing for the HP Off-campus drive 2021. HP has launched its Off-campus recruitment drive for all 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 passed out candidates. All the rounds are ...

Introduction  The one thing we are absolutely concerned about and have complete control of – is our career. Often students who although are very smart, bright and intelligent miss the opportunities because they don’t prepare themselves for the aspects of ...

Introduction Sorting in programming refers to placing the elements of a data structure in a specific and meaningful manner. Sorting is an essential part of data processing. Efficient sorting algorithms are crucial so that we can perform operations that require ...

Introduction Data Structures in computer science are specialised formats to store data efficiently and organised. It also enables the easy access and modification of data. Data Structures are not language-dependent, but today we will discuss two of the implicit data ...

Introduction Goldman Sachs India is a multinational company dealing in various financial services like asset management, prime brokerage, mergers and acquisitions, securities, and underwriting. Its main areas of focus are investment banking and investment management, which make it one of ...

Introduction Have an interview coming up on Facebook?. Worried about the different interview processes and the recruitment process at Facebook?. We are going to cover these topics in this blog. Two Facebook Software Engineers have shared with us all the ...