Table of Contents Introduction  Jump Statements in C/C++ Should the goto statement be used? Frequently Asked Questions Key Takeaways Introduction  When we write a program, there might be situations where the program flow has to be controlled differently. For example, ...

Introduction Decision making is an integral part of our life, everyday we make some decisions consciously or unconsciously, and all these decisions are based on some calculations and comparisons. Similarly, in programming, we need decision making to control and regulate ...

Introduction Today almost everything is being automated and programmed; right from banking applications to automatic attendance monitoring systems, everything is being governed by Computers. No wonder the number of software developers is expected to reach 28.7 million by 2024 (Source: ...

Introduction Loops in programming come into use when there is a need to execute a specific block of code repeatedly. Loops are handy while a repetitive task has to be performed. If loops are not there, the task becomes cumbersome. ...

Introduction The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence in which each number is the sum of the preceding two numbers. By default, the first two numbers of a Fibonacci series are 0 and 1.  In mathematical terms, the sequence Fn of ...

Introduction Most of the competitive coding questions are loaded with different problems of reverse Strings, Arrays, Data Structures, and many more. Reversing a string is one of the important problems that are famous across many competitive coding problem banks. The ...

Introduction C and C++ have been there in the conventional as well as the upcoming development environments, due to its wide community and well-written documentation. Over their years of existence, C and C++ have been upgraded numerous times. Now, the ...

Introduction Virtual functions are used for tasking compilers with performing dynamic linkages or late-binding functions. A single pointer must be used for referring to objects of every class. So, virtual functions are used when the derived class objects end up ...

Introduction  C++ is a powerful language that offers various functions to offer its users more power over the language and mould it in accordance with their needs. To help work with classes efficiently, C++ has introduced friend functions that help ...

Introduction  What would happen if two functions with the same name are declared? Would this throw an error?  If the parameters and their order are exactly the same, then yes. Otherwise, it leads to a situation known as function overloading. ...