Introduction  In functions, we’ve covered the two different types of invoking (or calling) – Call By Value (or Pass by value) and Call By Reference (or Pass by reference). If you are already familiar with these methods, you may proceed ...

Introduction Suppose you are a car garage owner and you want to maintain a record of each car in your garage. You want to store the color, engine capacity, and model of each vehicle. How will you accomplish this? Note ...

Introduction  Most programming languages have a built-in sort function, but we need to understand the sorting algorithms to understand the code effectively. The algorithm which we are going to explore in this blog is Selection Sort.  A selection sort algorithm ...

Introduction A Linked List is a linear data structure that consists of nodes. Each Node contains a data field and a pointer to the next Node. In Linked List, unlike arrays, elements are not stored at contiguous memory locations but ...

Introduction The general preference of using either C++ or Java highly depends on the requirement. While C++ is much better for networking or hardware-related tasks, Java is portable and versatile. Java programs can easily be migrated and run elsewhere while ...

Introduction  In the programming world, Arrays play an essential role. Wanna know how? Suppose you have to store the mobile numbers of your friends using a C/C++ program. It’s undeniable that you must have a number of friends. What will ...

Introduction A repeated series or sequence is known as a pattern. Patterns are everywhere in nature like seasons in nature have a pattern or ripples in water have a pattern. In this article, you are going to master some advanced ...

Introduction Patterns are there in almost everything around us. Seasons in nature have patterns, tides in water have a pattern, day and night in nature have a pattern. So it’s necessary to understand patterns. If you want to ace your ...

Introduction  Have you ever wondered how a compiler differentiates when int is used to declare a variable or a variable is named?  We all have at some point used <int> to declare a variable with an integral value. But have ...

Introduction Pattern Problems are the most asked question during the Interviews. Understanding the fundamentals of Patterns, one can solve any random Pattern Problem. In this lesson, we’ll be understanding the Basic Pattern Problems. Before moving further, we have to recognise ...