Introduction Welcome Back, Ninja! Today this article will discuss one of the most frequently asked questions in Google, Apple, Amazon – “The Celebrity Problem”. Let’s start with the problem statement and work our way to the solution. Problem Statement There ...

Introduction Reversing a Queue is one of the most fundamental questions in the queue it is generally not asked directly in interviews but is used to solve various questions asked in interviews. It is crucial to understand the in and ...

Introduction Almost all of us have played Chinese Whispers. If you haven’t, it’s a game where a person whispers a message to the next person until the end of the row. This game is popularly played to break the ice ...

Introduction In this article, we will discuss a very interesting problem – Clone a linked list with next and random pointer. There are problems where you need to clone a singly linked list or a doubly-linked list, but this one ...

Introduction Strings in C/C++ can be defined as an array of characters terminated with null character ‘\0’.A string is used to store characters. C language does not have a string data type, it uses a character array instead. Sequential collection ...

Introduction Sorting a stack is one of the frequently asked questions in interviews. Sorting a stack could be tricky and challenging, but don’t worry; today, in this article, we will discuss this problem in-depth and make it a cakewalk for ...

Introduction  Welcome to another Blog on Top C/C++ Interview questions. Programming questions asked in an interview are not difficult to answer if you have clearly understood the concepts. So this blog will help you out by resolving your doubts on ...

Introduction Dennis Ritchie developed the C language in 1972, and later in 1979, Bjarne Stroustrup developed the C++ language, an enhanced version of the C language. C Language is one of the most easy-to-use structured programming languages. The fact that ...

Introduction In this article, we’ll be continuing the discussion on Type Casting and Type Conversion in C++. So far, we’ve discussed Implicit Conversion and C-style Type Casting. If you have prior knowledge of these concepts, then go ahead. Otherwise, we ...

Introduction In general, the act of changing from one form to another is conversion. An example of conversion ( or transformation) is exchanging dollars for euros. In simple words, it’s converting the existing item with the newly desired item. They ...