Recursion It is a method used to solve the problems by the instances of smaller problems of the same problem. In other words, we can say that recursion is a function which calls itself directly or indirectly. Recursion is a very ...

Introduction Data structures are a way of storing and retrieving data in an efficient manner. Data structures may be linear or non-linear depending on whether they store data sequentially or not. Linear data structures include arrays, stacks, queues, and linked ...

Introduction Linked Lists A Linked Lists is a linear data structure that consists of a group of nodes. Unlike an array, it has elements that are stored in random memory locations. Each node contains two fields: data stored at that ...

Integrated Development Environment, or simply IDE, is an application that has been designed to cater to computer programmers and developers. While there are tons of IDEs to choose from, the most ideal IDE would aim to boost the productivity of ...

C++ is one of the predominant general-purpose, object-oriented programming (OOP) languages used to develop a technical and commercial software. Bjarne Stroustrup developed it in 1979 at Bell Labs. Introduction C++ is an extension of the C programming language. It is a high-level ...