Introduction Database Management Systems is the most important subject of Computer Science. In this blog, we are covering the most asked DBMS Interview Questions. So here, we will be converting the most important DBMS Interview Questions related to this subject ...

Introduction  CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is widely used to design the webpage and make it attractive. A company will always prefer a frontend developer with solid skills in CSS as they make the webpage more presentable to the users. CSS ...

Introduction This blog lists down the most relevant 30 basic PHP Interview questions. Questions in this blog are easy as per difficulty but have a high chance of being asked as introductory PHP Interview questions. These are questions related to ...

Introduction Assume you’ve been called in for an interview at your dream company. After reading some of the interview experiences, you realise that your dream company has an inexplicable affection for Git. With the little time you had, you hurriedly ...

Introduction The engineers worldwide were working around the clock as the economies struggled with a trivial yet powerful software bug. Y2K, also known as the millennium bug, was the computer’s inability to differentiate between the years 1900 and 2000.  Back ...

Introduction The Java programming language created by James Gosling in the early 1990s is one of the most popular programming languages. No wonder Java is the second most demanded programming language with around 70K job postings in January 2020, as ...

Introduction Permutations are typically believed to be a mathematical topic, although this is not true. Mathematics is important in computer science because it teaches us how to communicate abstractly, work with algorithms, self-analyze our computational thinking, and represent real-world solutions ...

Introduction To learn a new skill you need to invest your time, effort, and money. But when it comes to money one gets cautioned about its worth and keeps looking for customised and feasible paying options. With the abundance of ...

Introduction Coding and system design interviews are frequent—and pretty typical—in Big Tech and high-growth companies. The interviewer will expect you to provide a detailed description of how big-scale distributed systems (such as Twitter, Messenger, Netflix, Uber, and so on) were ...

As a response to the high demand for Data Scientists in the Software development industry, the foundation of Data Science BootCamps was laid, and to reward the founders, it has been a huge success, since its advent. Every year thousands ...