Meet Our Ninja Alumnus Today a fresher, tomorrow a great leader. As said, “Leadership is intelligence, honesty, and doing the right thing.” This alumnus has gotten where he is today only because of his wise choices and honesty in his ...

Somedays, when you are trying to work, and you just can’t concentrate. You look up ways to focus and ask around your friends for tips on how they concentrate. As an example of such a job, coding is the core ...

Programming is the fastest-growing industry, anticipating programming jobs to grow by 17% by 2024. Anyone can make a career in coding, even if you don’t have a computer science degree. With easy access to the internet nowadays, you can learn ...

Have you ever had doubts regarding your skills? Or do you still feel that there is inadequacy in your skills and capabilities as a coder? If that is so, you are facing something called “Imposter Syndrome.” Imposter syndrome is a ...

Every day, we face some problems, small or big, and we solve them, but sometimes we can’t, and that problem becomes bigger if not handled correctly. Problem-solving comes under soft skills, and when interviewing for certain companies, they judge your ...

Nothing makes us prouder than being able to talk about the accomplishments of our students and their road to success. Students at Coding Ninjas are setting records and soaring beyond boundaries; one such member is Yash Mohan, who got placed ...

Graduating from college and stepping into the world of work can be a bit overwhelming, and looking for your first job can be even more overwhelming. As this will be your first job, you don’t know what and how to ...

We at Coding Ninjas consider ourselves very fortunate to have our Ninja Alumni Community which is our source of pride and happiness on an everyday basis! One such member of the ever-growing Alumni Community is Devam Dhingra. He is currently ...

As it is officially the Campus Placement season, and if you are going to try for campus placement, then you must be stressed out, thinking about what to do and how to do it.  We all go through this placement ...

Do you feel that you just go to work, do your job, and come back home every day like you are stuck in some kind of a cycle? And, maybe at the end of every week, you ask why you ...