With Google Summer of Code 2017 Mentor Organisations just announced, students are (and should be) in a frenzy to pick and get familiar with an org of their interest and start contributing as soon as possible. To help along the ...

College, the 4 important years of our life which decides our future. It’s a mad competitive world out there and college prepares you for the run. Securing a job in the final year of college is the ultimate dream of ...

Introduction Recursion is a topic most beginner programmers fear and when you get the hang of it, it works like magic (Congrats! Not a noob anymore). When someone introduces recursion, they say it’s basically a function that calls back itself, ...

Code-Kaze is back with its third edition and this time you wouldn’t want to miss it for anything in the world! It’s triple the fun, challenge and prizes. Code-Kaze is an online coding challenge with a twist and you need ...

What is competitive coding? First things first, you must know what competitive coding means. It’s like a mind sport over the internet or LAN. A problem statement is thrown to the coders with provided specifications and guidelines and ‘Atta Boy!’ ...

“A breakthrough in machine learning would be worth 10 Microsofts”,said Bill Gates once. Why would he possibly say something like that? A much-hyped tech jargon or something really mindblowing? What is Machine Learning anyway? Why should I learn it? Will ...

Airbnb, Scribd, Groupon, Kickstarter, Pitchfork, Soundcloud, Square, Yammer, Crunchbase, Slideshare, Zendesk, Github, and Shopify…. whooof! They all have one thing in common. Can you guess? Well, let me give you a hint here.  “It’s a breakthrough in lowering the barriers ...

It’s a Ninja world out there! Ninjas are lightning sharp and swift. And with the evolution of programming and programmers, a new breed of coders leveled up. These were the Samurais of the Code World, popularly known as a ‘Code ...

Superior schooling within this nation is speedily turning into a need within the venture group as a substitute for an extravagance. With the previous the people today who had a secondary faculty teaching continue to experienced the prospect to manufacture ...