Coders are the coolest people on earth. Each one comes with his/her own swag and distinct characteristics. In fact, I believe, there should be a dedicated field of sciences just to study them! No kidding, check out and decide for ...

A Genin is an inception rank in a Ninja’s career. A Genin is sincere and completely dedicated to the pursuit of his code. With great perseverance and discipline, a Genin ultimately evolves into a Coding Ninja. The evolution of a ...

Being a Mathematics and Computers enthusiast, I advocate early computer education for children, but being parent to one curious mind and educator to several curious minds, I want them to see what they are doing, why they are doing what ...

Women all around the world are turning the tables today be it any field. TechGig data shows that young women coders are overtaking men and guess what, they rank higher! The rise of women who code is an undeniably pleasant ...

Today most of the aspects of our modern lives are already being powered by software. This, in turn, is governed by code and by people who apply their skills to build a software. Codes play a pivotal role in our ...

Passion drives our souls but not everyone has the courage and the privileges to walk the roads less taken. But that one push at the right time of your life could give your career a jet-pack to success. That one ...

“Will my resume make it or not?” The question that pops up in every candidate’s mind when applying for a job or internship. Call it magic call it true but your resume is what you are for the Hiring Manager ...

Life, like surfing is all about the wave selection and reading waves is a tough skill. If you are looking for the exponential wave to surf for career growth, then read on to unravel the mystery. Have you ever pursued ...

Is there a magical formula which cuts into the interview and gets you hitched with your dream job? Nope, none as yet but what you do have is a set of do’s and don’ts which should which helps you to ...

Introductions An army of techies are making rounds to find that perfect tech job every year. You have two options; follow the herd and knock the gates with your average skills or stand out of the crowd to make way. ...