Learn Coding Faster with these Tips

Learn Coding Faster with these Tips
Learn Coding Faster with these Tips

Programming is the fastest-growing industry, anticipating programming jobs to grow by 17% by 2024. Anyone can make a career in coding, even if you don’t have a computer science degree.

With easy access to the internet nowadays, you can learn coding on your own time with basic computer skills. And, as a coder, you’ll never stop learning, as technology is constantly changing,  and what works today probably won’t work a year from now. 

If you want to land a quality job as a coder, you need to start learning. Getting to a point where you can start applying for jobs takes time because there is so much to know. The following tips will help you learn to program faster.

Tips to learn coding faster

1. Stop waiting for the right time

A lot of new coders put off getting started because they are waiting for the right time. In the era of the internet, there is no right time to jump in. It can be overwhelming because you might not know where to start, but you need to get started in the first place.

The sooner you start coding, the faster you master the skills. Knowing the basics isn’t enough. You need to experiment with the code, learn how to make it work for you, and play with it. You’re going to make mistakes. You’re going to make a lot of them, which is good because this means you are learning. Just make sure you get started.

2. Revisit the basics

Like any language, you need to know the basics. You’ll need to learn the basics over and over again. And when learning new skills, it is okay to revisit the basics, as it will help you learn the new skill faster.

Foundations are formed by elementary skills. A weak foundation will lead to mistakes later in your career. Whatever your level of competence in coding, you should never skip the basics.

3. Code by hand

When you sit 24/7 in front of the computer screen, your head stops working. Step away from the screen and go old-fashioned. Get your pen and paper ready, and start writing code. While writing your code, don’t check it as you write it, even though it’s hard. Make use of your critical thinking skills and test your understanding.

4. Use Online Resources

The internet is the best place to find wonderful resources for both new and experienced coders. You can find a multitude of resources on YouTube and GitHub. Alternatively, you can just search for tutorials as you encounter questions as you go through this process.

5. Know when to ask for help

Asking for help is an important part of being a coder. Sometimes you really do need a helping hand to get the ball rolling, especially if you are for a while. That’s why we have Teaching Assistance who are there to help you all around the clock. 

But you shouldn’t ask for help without trying to solve it yourself. As a professional coder, you’ll need to know how to manage your own problems. The reality of working with computers is that troubleshooting is inevitable.

6. Step away from the screen

Coding can be addictive, and this means you need to know when to step away from the screen. Working on lines of code and bugs will help you learn faster, but there is a thing called burnout. 

You need to keep your mind fresh so you can tackle new problems with confidence. After struggling with a bug or error for a few hours, it’s easy to spiral into negativity. Let your mind refresh.