How to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills?

How to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills?
How to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills?

Every day, we face some problems, small or big, and we solve them, but sometimes we can’t, and that problem becomes bigger if not handled correctly. Problem-solving comes under soft skills, and when interviewing for certain companies, they judge your problem-solving skills.

But what are Problem-Solving skills?

Problem-solving skills are those that allow one to identify and understand the cause of the problem and then solve it. It can involve solving both company-wide problems, such as declining customer retention rates, and individual challenges, such as inadequate training for employees or even personal problems. 

What are the Different types of Problem-Solving Skills?

Few universal problem-solving skills we all need-

1. Defining the problem

Understanding the problem deeply through research. Interviews, reading books, analyzing financial data, and searching your organization’s intranet can all be used for research.

2. Brainstorming

Gather your friends or colleagues and allow everyone to state ideas. Appreciate all input and avoid criticism. 

3. Analyzing

Using disciplined thought processes to evaluate each possible solution.

4. Managing Risk

Anticipating and trying to avoid the downsides of key solutions. It is possible to identify potential risks, rate their likelihood, predict a date by which each might happen or cease to be an issue, and devise ways to reduce them.

5. Deciding

Ability to decide whether you can take the solution ahead or not. In order to implement a solution, a designated decider must decide after analyzing it, getting feedback from the team, and assessing the results.

6. Managing Emotions

Ability to apply emotional intelligence in order to improve your and your team’s thinking clearly. 

Fun activities to Improve your Problem-solving skills

1. Dance

Dancing has a positive impact on neural processing, possibly developing new neural pathways to go around dopamine-depleted blockages. 

Dancing helps you in convergent thinking, meaning it will help you to find a single, appropriate answer to a problem. 

2. Work out your Brain with Logic puzzles or games

Put your brain to some work. When playing chess, sudoku, and other brain-boosting games, it is actually better to work backward rather than forwards. The same strategy applies to realistic strategic thinking too. 

3. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep helps to stimulate associative networks, allowing the brain to make new and useful associations between unrelated ideas.

4. Participate in Yoga

The powerful combination of body awareness, breathing, and meditation that is required during Yoga has shown significant raise in cognitive test scores.

5. Play some football

It has been found that our brain’s “executive functions” correlate with sports success. When in action, our brains are quickly multitasking between moving, anticipating, strategizing, reacting, and performing. All these things require a great deal of brain activity at once.