Signs to Identify a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace (Before Joining)

Signs to Identify a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace (Before Joining)
Signs to Identify a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace (Before Joining)

Getting hired by any company is not everyone’s goal and shouldn’t be. The way a company goes through your profile, interviews you, do millions of checks just to find out whether you are suitable for the company or not. 

In the same way, you should have a checklist before joining a company. Because you will spend a lot of time around 8 hours a day in that office. What if the work environment is toxic? It will not only hamper your quality of work but also your mental health.

To help you to choose your dream company here are a few signs that will make you say “yes” to the job!

5 Signs to Identify a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace 

1. Positive Reviews and Ratings

The best way to find out about the company is by their happiness ratings! To identify whether the workplace is diverse and inclusive, start browsing the employee reviews and ratings.

Use employee ratings to understand company culture, job satisfaction, and career growth. For more detailed information, you can also browse the employee reviews.

2. Anti-discrimination policy

Anti-discrimination policies play an important role in establishing a diverse and inclusive work environment by laying the ground rules for workplace acceptance and behavior.

These policies make sure that everyone feels equal and accepted in the company, reducing the possibility of harassment and bullying.

Things you must look for in an anti-discrimination policy are:

  • Diversity and inclusivity training
  • Discrimination-free recruitment process
  • Equal employment opportunity
  • Strict action against harassment and discrimination
  • Protection to marginalized groups against pay disparity, lack of opportunity, etc.

3. Low Employee Turnover Rate

Companies try to create a comfortable work environment for their employees. The promotion of diversity and inclusivity can lead to a low employee turnover rate by creating a comfortable work environment.

Low employee turnover is a green flag of a diverse and inclusive workplace. Because these companies lead an innovative, progressive workforce by bringing together the talent capable of growth and acceptance in different backgrounds. 

This also creates a safe environment for employees who come from different religions, gender, sexual orientations, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

And these environments make it easy for the employees to focus on productivity and career growth instead of worrying about the possibilities of any negative consequences. 

4. Leave policy of working parents irrespective of gender

Traditionally the leave for working parents focused on the mother and the father, and this often ignores families with diverse equations.

Increasingly, companies in India are focusing on inclusivity and diversity as the new norm.

Many companies identify employees as “Birthing parent” and “Partner of the birthing parent” instead of mother and father. This promotes diversity in the workplace and benefits parents of all gender identities.

If you are a parent, you can ask about this policy during your interview with HR to make an informed decision. 

5. The vision of diversity and inclusion

It is important to know about the vision of diversity and inclusion in the company. What they think about it and how they are going to go about it, just the vision they have for their company. 

Diversity and inclusion are defined by the company’s vision and the company’s commitment to building a workplace that welcomes people from all walks of life, as well as the practices it is willing to adopt to accomplish these goals.

A company’s mission statement may be an indication of the company’s inclusiveness and diversity efforts, even though few companies issue separate statements.

You need to look out for these 5 signs if you want your company to provide a safe and diverse working environment.