Top 30 Basic Django Interview Questions: Part 1

Top 30 basics Django Interview Questions - Part 1
Top 30 basics Django Interview Questions - Part 1


Django is an open-source web framework that is used to create web-based Python applications. It enables the rapid development of security and maintenance of websites.


It is an open-source framework built by experienced developers.

Django is one of the most popular frameworks being used in 2021 and if you are looking for job opportunities in it, we have the perfect package of the top 30 basic questions asked in most interviews. This set of questions would surely help you to crack the interview for your dream company. Companies like HCL, Accenture, VMware, and GlobalLogic are hiring Django Developers.

We now have a list of the top 30 basic Django interview questions every developer should know before starting their interview. These Django interview questions will help you and guide you in cracking your technical interviews.

Django Interview Questions

We have the top 30 basic Django interview questions asked by the companies and are essential for every Python developer.

Question 1) What are the features available in Django?

Answers: The technical features available in Django are :

  1. It provides Admin Access for websites.
  2. It gives a pre-packages API for everyday user tasks.
  3. It provides templates so that you can use easy templates for your HTML code.
  4. It reduces code repetition.
  5. It enables us to define the URL for a given function.
  6. It provides Object-Relational Mapping.

These are a few features provided by Django.

Question 2) What is the difference between Flask and Django?


It is a rapid framework built for web development. It is a Web Server Gateway Interface, and it stands out for its easy-to-extend philosophy.Django is built for Full-Stack Development, and we can create full-based powerful web applications using Django.
It was designed to make applications support easy and quick start.Django, on the other hand, helps developers to maintain the quality of the web applications.
We have to install all the templates, ORM, and admin access in FlaskDjango Provides built-in Templates, ORM, and admin access.
It is an easy-to-learn framework.Django requires a lot of practice and learning.

Question 3) Explain the Django Architecture.

Answer: Django follows the Model View Template pattern based on Model View Controller Architecture(MVC). The only difference is that Django itself is a controller and maintains its convections.

Models are a part of which we defile the file in Django, which is used to define the application’s data structures.

Views are mediators between Models and Templates, and they convert the received data from Models into a Dictionary, which is returned in response to the Templates.

Templates are the components to which a user interacts, and it generates both statistical and dynamic in a Django Server.

Question 4)What is the difference between a Project and an Application?


  1. A project refers to entire applications containing a few sub-applications, whereas an Application is a subprogram of the project.
  2. A project contains configuration files and settings for the entire application, whereas an Application is a standup model used to provide some functionality to your project.
  3. We can create multiple applications within a single Project, but we cannot embed different projects in an application.

Question 5) How can we create a model in Django?

Answer: Models in Django inherit from the models class and this class can offer multiple fields to work with. A few of the fields we have worked as a developer the most are :

  1. CharField(max_length)
  2. ImageField()
  3. BooleanField()
  4. IntegerFeild()
  5. DataTimeField()

Question 6)What is serialization in the Django framework?

Answer: Serialization is a process in Django in which the models are converted into format models. These format models are generally text-based and are used to send Django data through the wire.

We can serialize our data like:

from django.core import serializers
dataserialize = serializers.serialize("xml", SomeModelxyz.objects.all())

Question 7)How can we handle URLs in Django?

Answer: Django is a web application framework that gets user requests by URL locator and responds to it back. To handle the URL requests module, we have a django.urls

We can create a simple file that can map to

from django.shortcuts import render   
#We can create our views here.   
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotFound   
from django.views.decorators.http import require_http_methods   
def helloworld(request):   
    return HttpResponse('<h1>This is a Http GET request by views </h1>') 

The can be written as:

from django.contrib import admin   
from django.urls import path   
from myapp import views   
urlpatterns = [   
    path('index/', views.index),   
    path('helloworld/',  views.hello),   

Question 8) Is Django front-end or back-end?

Answer: Django is a python framework that is used for developing web applications. Django allows us to create web applications that are both front-end and back-end easily. As Django provides us with the admin interface, the framework is used widely for developing the backend of web applications.

Question 9)  Write different types of Model inheritance styles in Django.


There are three types of inheritance in Django:

  1. Abstract Base Class inheritance – This type of inheritance, when we want the parent class to hold the information, can be passed to each child of the parent class.
  1. Multi-Table Model Inheritance – This type of inheritance is used when we have to subclass an existing model and create a database for each mode.
  1. Proxy Model Inheritance – This type of inheritance is used when we want to change Python level behavior in the model and we do not want to reflect any changes on the model fields.

Question 10)  How can we create a Django project?

Answer: A Django project contains the logic which is used to create our entire web application.

To start building a Django project, we can use the command :


To move further we can have steps like:


Question 11) Explain how you can write a view in Django?

Answer: Views are Django functions that take a request and return a response. To write a view in Django, we will take a simple example of “CodingNinjas’ ‘ which uses the template CodingNinjas_home.html and uses the date-time module to tell us whenever the page is refreshed.  The file we are required to edit is called, and it will be inside codingninjas/myapp/

Once we have the VIEW, we can uncomment the given line in

from datatime import datetime

from django.shortcuts import render

def home (request):

return render(request, 'CodingNinjas_home.html', {'right_now': datetime.utcnow()})

# url ( r ‘^$’, ‘codingninjas.myapp.views.home’ , name ‘CodingNinjas’),

This last step will reload our web application so that the changes are reflected on the web server.

Question 12)What is CRUD in Django?

Answer: The most common tasks while creating web applications are Create, Retrieve Update and Delete for each table entry in the table.

The steps required to create a CRUD application are:

  1. Install Django and create a project
  2. Create an Application
  3. Create a model
  4. Create the Admin Interface
  5. Create a View table 
  6. Define the URLs for mapping on the View table
  7. Create the templates

Question 13)What are the limitations of Django ORM?


Django relies heavily on the ORM(Object Relational Model), even though it helps developers work on multiple databases simultaneously.ORM is still very long to use; also nothing can beat a SQL query. If the data is already complex, developers usually prefer a small line query code of SQL rather than using a complex code of ORM. Hence, we can say that even though ORM provides us with an optimized query, SQL is still preferred over it.

Question 14) Can you list some companies that use Django?

Answer: One of the best features of Django is to provide Scalability. Django can handle any volume of audience growth with efficiency. This is one of the main reasons famous websites like – NASA, National Geographic, Pinterest, The Onion, Udemy, Robinhood, and many others are built on Django Framework.

Question 15) What is the Django field class?

Answer: “Field” represents an abstract class that represents a database table column. The field class is just a subclass of RegisterLookupMixin. In Django, these fields are used to create database tables (DB types()), and the get prep value() method uses these tables to map Python types to the database. Therefore, fields in various Django APIs such as models and query sets are an essential part.

Question 16) What is migration in Django and how can we use it in SQL?

Answer: Migration in Django changes to your model, such as deleting models, adding fields, etc. to your database schema. We can use several commands to interact with the migration.

To migrate in SQL, you must print the SQL statement that resets the sequence of a given application name. sqlsequencreset. Use this command to generate SQL, which will repair the situation where the series is out of sync with its auto-incremented field data.

Question 17) What is Mixin?

Answer: Mixin is a multi-legacy type in which we can combine the behaviors and attributes of multiple parent classes. It allows us to use code from various classes in an excellent way. One problem with using these mixes is that if the code is too scattered among multiple classes, it is difficult to analyze what a class is doing and which methods it can cover.

Question 18) How to set up Static Files in Django?

Answer: Setting up static files in Django requires three main things:

  1.  Set STATIC_ROOT in 
  2.  Run collectstatic 
  3.  Set static file entries on the PythonAnywhere web tab

Question 19) Define Exceptions in Django.

Answer: Exceptions are called abnormal events that will cause the program to fail. To handle this situation, Django uses exception classes and provides support for all core Python exceptions. Django core exception classes are defined in the module Django.core.exceptions.


Question 20) What is the use of Middlewares in Django?

Answer: Middleware is a framework, it is a lightweight low-level plug-in system, used to change the input and output of Django globally. It is a framework that hooks into Django’s request/response processing. Each component in the middleware has some specific tasks. For example, AuthenticationMiddleware is used to associate users with requests to use sessions. Django provides many other middlewares, such as caching middleware, to enable site-wide caching. Available middleware performs many tasks (such as disabling user agent access, URL rewriting, etc.), and GZip middleware compresses content for the browser Pieces, etc.


Question 21) What is the use of Decorators?

Answer: Decorators in Python are used to modify or inject code in functions or classes. Using decorators, you can wrap method calls of a class or function to execute a piece of code before or after the original code is executed. We can use decorators to check permissions, modify or track parameters passed to methods, record calls to specific methods, etc. View decorators can be utilized to confine admittance to particular perspectives. Django accompanies some implicit decorators, as login_required, require_POST, or has_permission. They are beneficial. However, some of the time, you may have to confine the entrance in an alternate degree of granularity, for instance, just letting the client who made a section of the model alter or erase it

Question 22) How can we set up a Database in Django?

Answer: To set up an information base in Django, you can utilize the order alter mysite/, it is an ordinary python module with module-level addressing Django settings. As a matter of course, Django utilizes the SQLite information base. It is simple for Django clients since it doesn’t need some other kind of establishment. On account of another information base, you have the accompanying keys in the DATABASE ‘default’ thing to coordinate with your data set association settings.

Motors: you can change data set by utilizing ‘django.db.backends.sqlite3’ , ‘django.db.backeneds.mysql’, ‘django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2’, ‘, etc Name: The name of your information base. If you are utilizing SQLite as your information base, the data set will be a record on your PC. The name ought to be a total top way, including the document name of that document. Note: You need to add settings like Password, Host, User, and so on in your data set in case you are not picking SQLite as your data set.

Question 23) Why should we use Django for web development?

Answer: It permits you to partition code modules into sensible gatherings to make it adaptable to change. To facilitate the site organization, it gives auto-created web administrator It gives pre-bundled API to regular client undertakings It gives you a format framework to characterize HTML layout for your page to keep away from code duplication It empowers you to represent what URL be really going after given capacity It empowers you to isolate business rationale from the HTML Everything is in python.

Question 24) What is the significance of the file in Django?

Answer: The document is consequently produced at whatever point you make an undertaking. This is essentially an order line utility that assists you with associating with your Django project differently. It does things likewise as django-administrator; however, alongside that, it additionally sets the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE climate variable to highlight your task’s settings. Usually, it is wiser to utilize instead of the django-administrator if you deal with a solitary venture.

Question 25) What is Django Rest Framework?

Answer: DRF(Django Rest Framework) is a powerful module that is used to build Web API. It’s effortless to construct model-supported APIs that have validation arrangements and are browsable.

Question 26) Mention a few caching strategies used in Django.

Answer:  Few Caching strategies available in Django are :

  1. File system caching
  2. In-memory caching
  3. Using Memcached
  4. Database caching

Question 27) How can we create a Singleton object in Python?

Answer: The singleton design is a plan design that guarantees that a class can just have one simultaneous occasion. At whatever point different objects of a singleton class are required, the recently made single case is given.

We can create a Singleton object in python using the following code :

class Singleton(object):def __new__(cls,*args,**kwargs):
if not hasattr(cls,'_inst'):
cls._inst = super(Singleton,cls).__new__(cls,*args,**kwargs)
return cls._inst

Question 28) How is the reusability of Django better than other frameworks?

Answer: Django offers the greatest code reusability to engineers when contrasted with different structures. This system is likewise an assortment of other applications, including login applications or information exchange applications. With the assistance of this system, an enormous number of uses can straightforwardly be duplicated, starting with one index then onto the next after a portion of the documents.

With this system, designers can undoubtedly work over the application without reviewing the new sign application. This is the explanation that upholds the fast advancement structure in Django, and there could be no other viable systems supporting this degree of code reusability.

Question 29) How can you compare Node Js and Django?

Answer: It vigorously relies upon the needs you set in your undertaking. The most widely recognized measures are database (for example, Django for a social one), security (Django offers special protection), a quick turn of events (additionally Django). Different rules might include better execution (Node.js is seriously fitting), making highlights from the beginning (likewise Node.js), or better customer side handling (Node.js). 

A specific provision of Node.js lies in its nonconcurrent components: they require the designer to be watchful because code mistakes may not uncover themselves until they are later underway.

Question 30) How does Django support admin interface customization?

Answer: The Django administrator interface effectively upholds the customization and the designer can download other outsider applications and introduce them in a totally unique view. Likewise, assuming the designer generally needs command over their administrator, they can make their administrator application. We can again tweak the administrator site, for instance, changing the properties of the

This administrator interface likewise upholds the progressions in models’ alterations and applies them in Django administrator for explicit applications. The Django administrator interface upholds customization definite from the most reduced level and the designer can likewise make new administrator interfaces.

Key Takeaways

This article discussed the most basic Django interview questions asked in an interview for freshers and experienced developers.

This article covers all the essential topics one must remember.