Learn The Basics Of Android App For Free In 40 Days

Learn The Basics Of Android App For Free In 40 Days
Learn The Basics Of Android App For Free In 40 Days


Development is a mystery. Sadly, A few of us have limited resources.

As an initiative towards “Knowledge for all”,

Coding Ninjas has brought a few free courses. The free courses cover an essential level of development so that each student or IT enthusiast is at least familiar with the basic mobile development concepts.

For the entire range of courses, certain modules are available for free, you just need to register for the course. You can even access the video lectures, assessments, and assignments and get a trial-course completion certificate.

Kotlin is a modern language with a self-explanatory and concise syntax; it can be the future language of Android development. Building an Android app with kotlin is very easy and simple.

Over the last few years, the demand for cross-platform app studio increased tremendously, as a response to the amplified demand of users, Kotlin, a Jet Brain designed language was announced as one of the official languages of the Android Studio since the Google I/O that took place in 2017.

Although, due to the wide developers’ community of Java it still remains deep-rooted in the Application development industry and Google has preserved it efficiently in the Android Studio. Kotlin has a few additional advantages over Java as it is a statically typed programming language that is triggered on the Java virtual machine and is totally backward interoperable with its predecessor – the Java programming language.

Learn Core Java Programming For Free With Coding Ninjas

Kotlin comes in with type inference; this implies that code is written in short-hand without unimportant braces and function declarations.

Why should you learn the basics of Android App?

Over the last few years, there have been numerous innovations in the development industry. Many arguments have been over, development being more important than coding and vice-versa. But, all these arguments are nothing, but myths.

To be precise, you never need to stick to one among development and coding. In real-life technical scenarios, development and coding are two converging aspects of software development.

Development and Coding run simultaneously and work hand-in-hand. Coding is a prerequisite for development and development is an application of coding.

Top eight reasons for learn the basics of Android App:

  • You can bag a lucrative placement. 
  • There are numerous internship opportunities available.
  • You can pick from a broad set of Android Development niches.
  • The number of Android device owners is increasing day by day.
  • You have great options to refine and release your own apps on Play Store and App Store.
  • It enhances the flexibility and portability of operating systems.
  • You will expand your knowledge and experience in Coding as well.
  • It has a smooth, gradual learning curve.

What will you learn in this Android Development Tutorial?

This Android Development tutorial includes two modules, the first module is free, while the second module is part of the paid course. If you are not familiar with the prerequisite concepts, go through the course which includes Data Structures and Algorithms also.

1. Introduction to Android: You get to know about the tech stack and you get a step by step tutorial for installing the Android Studio and setting up the file path.

2. Introduction to Kotlin: This section is mainly for the candidates who have no prior experience in Kotlin programming.

3. Classes: Each programming language has a distinct class-object syntax. This tutorial is made for you to understand the various class-objects notations and functions.

4. Android Studio: This lesson tells you about the various tools that are present in the Android Studio such as Android Emulator, AVD Manager, etc.

5. Layout: There are numerous layouts such as Linear, Constraint, Relative, Grid and Table layout.

6. Generic: Miscellaneous functions and essential libraries are dealt here.

7. High Order Function and Lambdas: This is analogous to python functions.

8. Exceptions: Exception handling is really crucial for all languages.

9. Creating a full fledged layout using Constraint Layout.

10. Activity: Navigation between activities and destroying them.

11. Mini project : Tic-Tac-Toe: A project is mandatory to practice all the concepts learnt so far.

12. Recycler View: The recycler view can be reused multiple times. This tells us about space complexity issues.

13. Fragments and Navigation: Fragments are compressed activities that are used for quick response. Navigation can be carried out through Bottom Navigation, Side Navigation bar and so on.

14. Lifecycle: Each Android activity goes through a life-cycle.

15. View model and Live Data: LiveData is the recently introduced class and is popularly known as an observable data holder class. This enables us to automatically detect the changes in the activity lifecycle without tracking each activity explicitly.

16. Room: It is an abstract class of HTTPS, that is used for on host storage.

17. Async and Networking: Small threads are used as Networking paradigms.

18. Data Storage: You can use data structures for this.

19.Style and Design: Currently, material design is the most popular strategy.

20. App components and background: This includes various app components such as intent, bundles and so on.

21. Location, Map and Sensors: It is used for live location, location sharing, location update and so on.

22. Publish App: How to publish your app on Play Store?

23. Firebase: Sending, receiving messages and server connection using Firebase.

24. Machine Learning: Image recognition and classification app using Machine Learning concepts.

Prerequisites of the basics of Android App with Kotlin

There is one prerequisite for learning Java :

  • Basic mathematical skills are required.
  • Good knowledge of programming fundamentals.
  • A clear concept of the object-oriented programming system.
  • Implementation of Data Structures and Algorithms.
  • Hands-on practise on any programming language such as Java, C++, Kotlin, etc.

Top companies hiring candidates with Android Development skills

Almost all the top-notch IT companies and emerging start-ups hire Android developers every year. Some of the companies that are actively recruiting Android developers are by learning the basics of Android App:

Graph showing the increasing demand for Android developers
Report Courtesy: Data Flair

Apart from the independently hiring companies. The paid version of the course comes with placement cell support, which allows candidates to bag lucrative internship and placement opportunities.

Android applications covered in the course

Android is a popularly used mobile-development language. The top Android based projects included in the course are:

  • Hello world Android project
  • Tic-Tac-Toe Mobile Application
  • Dynamic layout designing
  • Track the current address of the user mobile app
  • Text recognition based app
  • Image classifier mobile app
  • Firebase integrated authorisation
  • Project deployment on Git
  • Machine learning-based Android Application

Course Syllabus

The contents are clearly mentioned in the course overview so that you have a clear idea of the roadmap before registering for the course. We have prepared a compassion table for you so that you can go through the contents of the free-trial course and the paid course. 

Free Trial (Level one)Paid Course (Level two)
Introduction to AndroidGeneric
Introduction to KotlinHigh Order Function and Lambdas
Android StudioCreating a full fledged layout using Constraint Layout
Mini project : Tic-Tac-Toe
Recycler View
Fragments and Navigation
View model and Live Data
Async and Networking
Data Storage
Style and Design
App components and background
Location, Map and Sensors
Publish App
Machine Learning

It is an amazing fact that classes have been placed in the free trial. Even though it is one of the toughest programming concepts. It is great that our mentors are providing Layout notes along with the video lectures for free. Gear up, and start registering and brush up on your concepts, so that you don’t miss any upcoming Android hackathon or internship opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

How hard is it to learn android app development?

No, it isn’t hard to learn android app development. There are numerous issues which are faced by a Mobile Developer. Using Android applications is quite effective but developing and designing them is too challenging. There is a high complexity involved in the creation of Android applications. Designing apps in Android is also a significant aspect.

Why is Android development so difficult?

The top reasons for Android Development being so difficult are:

1. You need to have a clear concept about object-oriented programming developers.
2. The developer must be familiar with Android Architecture concepts (such as Activities, Services, Broadcast receivers, Content Providers, Intents, Android Runtime and so on)
3. A generic code approach is not allowed, as different devices have a different running environment.
Working on Android Studio is not that easy.
4. There is no restriction when it comes to architecture, it is your choice, which architecture you prefer, among MVC/MVP/MVVM.

Is Android development easier than web development?

On a broader aspect, web development is comparatively easier than android development. Although, it typically depends on the type of tech-stacks you use. For example, developing a web page using HTML and CSS is an easier job in comparison to building an elementary android application.

Key Takeaways

This free trial primarily aims to resolve any ambiguity a student has while choosing a course. In case you have a dilemma about which platform or tech stack to pick, you can get enrolled in the free trial programs and get a better idea about a programming language and its applications.

Start Learning Full-Stack Web Development For Free.

Once you have understood the beginner’s level of Android Development, you can take the free trial course by learning the basics of the Android App to check whether you are ready to go for the next level or not. Your efforts amidst this free-trial course are duly recognized and certified.

Check out our latest courses and pick out the best one for you with the help of the course overview.

Happy Coding!

By Vanshika Singolia