Top 20 Javascript Libraries To Learn In 2021

Top 20 Javascript Libraries To Learn In 2021
Top 20 Javascript Libraries To Learn In 2021


While working with web development, when developers are provided with options to either write chunks of code on their own or use already existing third-party code that they know would work well with their ideas they definitely would choose to go for a library.

A library or a framework contains different features and functionalities that let the developer not worry about small default components and focus more on making other things better on his website. 

Javascript is the most used language when it comes to web development and it is imperative one knows which libraries are available out there. In this article, you are provided with a javascript library list which is a subset of all the Javascript libraries and frameworks list.

Read carefully to understand which library would be the most suitable for your use case. 

1. DOJO Toolkit

DOJO Toolkit is a javascript library that adds to the development process. It contains support for language utilities, UI components and a lot more which will aid the developer to create smooth, fast and efficient applications.

The dojo toolkit is a compilation of different packages which are a toolkit on their own, these include:

  • dojo: It is the main part of the DOJO toolkit. It contains features that involve DOM manipulation, class-type programming, events, promises etc.
  • dijit: This is responsible for providing UI components.
  • dojox: It provides the best of both worlds of dojo and dijit.
  • util: It contains tools that support the workflow of the toolkit.

Here is a code snippet which lets you welcome the users on your website: 

require(['dojo/dom','dojo/dom-construct'], function(dom, domConstruct){
    var welcome = dom.byId('welcome');'Dojo says ', welcome);

DOJO uses asynchronous capabilities of JavaScript which provides the website with faster working capabilities and enhances the overall performance. It is lightweight and easy to use with proper documentation and a vast community backing you for support. 

2. jQuery

jQuery is one of the most used javascript libraries. It has been the beginner’s choice for a long time and it makes DOM manipulation, event handling and animation capabilities seem so much smoother and easier.

Here is a code snippet that supports the fact that DOM Traversal and Manipulation is a piece of cake with jQuery: 

//Select the button with the class 'sign-in' and change its HTML to 'Welcome'
Here is another code snippet which will make you believe that jQuery handles events with smartness: 
//Show the #modal-popup which has been given display:none whenever a button in #container is clicked
var modal = $('#modal-popup');
$('#container button').on("click",function(event){;

3. Google Polymer  

Polymer is a JavaScript library offered by Google which contains tools and features in accordance with the modern web standards which makes the development process simpler and easy to handle. It provides the developer with reusable HTML components which he can use without worrying about how and when they were built. 

Here is a code snippet of LitElement which would tell the user they are awesome: 

import{LitElement, html, property, customElement} from 'lit-element';
export class awesomeness extends LitElement{
    @property() name = 'Awesome';
        return `html <p>${}, is awesome!</p>`;

4. JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit

As the name suggests, JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit is a JavaScript library which offers tools for visualising data on the web application. These data visualisations are interactive and pleasing to see. 

Click on this link for the code snippet which lets you create a stacked vertical bar chart with JS InfoVis Toolkit.

This toolkit can be beneficial for data scientists who wish to publish the results of their data analysis in an interactive fashion on the web. Best part is, despite being an interactive library, JS InfoVis toolkit is absolutely lightweight and does not tinker with the performance of your website. 

5. D3.js 

D3 is the acronym for data-driven documents which clearly suggests that it is a library that enables document manipulation based on the data being received from the user. D3.js is a library that functions in a fast way and consists of reusable models for an easy and smooth development process. It is one of the most popular javascript toolkits that developers like to use. 

Click here to view the official documentation of D3.js

6. Pixi.js

Pixi.js is a javascript library that helps to create animations and games. With big names like Disney associated with Pixi.js, Pixi helps developers create digital content. Pixi is supported by a very fast 2D rendering engine and utilises the power of WebGL and HTML canvas. It is really interesting and easy to comprehend if one knows Adobe Flash. 

Click here to view the official documentation of PixiJS API documentation

7. SWFObject

SWFObject is a javascript library which helps to embed SWF in HTML by utilising dynamic and static publishing. Popular companies like Microsoft and YouTube utilise SWFObject. It has different utilities that work with DOM and it also helps in identifying which flash player is installed on the user’s computer.  

Click here to view the GitHub repository of SWFObject

8. Three.js

This is a javascript library that helps to create animation by relying on WebGL which does away with the need of relying on browser plugins. It helps in creating beautiful and sometimes even complex 3D animations. It contains all the elements like shadow, lighting etc. which will make your 3D animations look better and more realistic. 

Click here to view the official documentation of three.js 

9. Velocity.js 

Velocity.js is another javascript library that enhances the animation capabilities of javascript. Velocity as the name suggests is a fast performing javascript library and works even better on smartphones. Velocity.js can be used as a substitute for code-heavy animation languages like jQuery and CSS. 

Click here to view the official documentation of velocity.js 

10. ReactJS

ReactJS is one of the most popular javascript libraries which helps to make the UI components of a particular website. It is flexible, has a huge community, and is open source. It is highly scalable and is currently being looked after by Facebook. Many front-end developers choose ReactJS as their primary library for front-end web development. 

Click here to view the official documentation of reactJS

11. Vue.js

Vue.js is another popular library for front-end web development which is similar to ReactJS in terms of its architecture. Vue.js is known to do more in less code and is superb for building small projects quickly and efficiently. Vue.js is also gaining huge popularity with each passing day because of the immense capabilities it holds. 

Click here to view the official documentation of Vue.js

12. WinJS

WinJS is a javascript library which has been developed by Microsoft and is currently in the open source module. This library is used for creating Windows applications for Windows 8 and 10. WinJs is not limited to Windows and has powerful features and high capabilities when it comes to fast and feature-rich implementation. 

Click here to view the official documentation of WinJS APIs

13. JsPHP

JsPHP is a javascript library that lets the PHP API be present within Javascript. It is an open-source library that is being maintained by the huge developer community. It not only supports PHP but also has support for JSON, XML, URL etc. 

Click here to view the official documentation of JsPHP

14. is a javascript library that is widely used for communication purposes. It utilises node.js on the backend to create applications built for real-time chat systems. 

Click here to view the official documentation of

15. MathJAX

MathJAX is a Javascript library that offers support for mathematical functions and has the capabilities of Latex, ASCIIMathML and MathML. This library is essentially used for mathematical visualisations on the web without the need for code. 

Click here to view the official documentation of MathJAX library.

16. Blockly

Blockly is another Javascript library offered by Google which is essentially an editor which allows the users to code in their web browser by dragging and dropping elements and combining them to create applications.  

Click here to see how javascript is run and created with blockly

17. Modernizr

Modernizr is a javascript library that helps you detect which features are present on your website. It can be crucial while working with a team of developers or managing a team and you have to verify certain features present on your website. 

Click here to visit the Modernizr official documentation and witness which features you can detect in your application.

18. Verge3D

Verge3D is another javascript library that lets you create 3D animations and visualisations on the website with an added support for AR and VR. A fun fact is that Verge3D has been used by NASA to create 3D experiences on their website. 

Click on this link to witness a cloth and wind animation using Verge3D

19. Anime.js 

Anime.js is one of the most popular and interesting web animation libraries which offer clean and smooth animation capabilities while utilising the features of HTML, CSS, SVG and DOM. 

Click on this link to see a plus sign swirl using Anime.js

20. Parsley 

Parsley is not just a library but a boon when it comes to forming validation techniques. It offers instant responses and adjusts the validation dynamically. 

Click on this link for the code snippet which lets you create a simple form using ParsleyJS

Frequently Asked Questions

What are JavaScript libraries used for?

JavaScript libraries are used for various purposes such as animations, reusable components, DOM manipulation etc.

How many JavaScript libraries are there?

There are hundreds of javascript libraries, 20 of which are listed above.

What are the different JavaScript libraries?

Different javascript libraries exist based on their functionalities, performance and weight. Twenty javascript libraries are mentioned in the article above.

How do JavaScript libraries work?

JavaScript libraries are a compilation of javascript code which can be reused in development projects and offer the developers a quick and enriching experience.

Key Takeaways

JavaScript libraries are a tool that enables the developers to create a fast and efficient web application in no time. It is important for the developers to understand that while they wish to write the entire code themselves, it is not a bad practice to use libraries in your code. The entire point of development is to solve issues in the real world and the faster you will be able to solve them better. 

Happy Learning!

By Pooja Gera