Regression is very important and is broadly used as a statistical and machine learning tool. The key objective of regression-based tasks is to predict output labels or responses which are continuous numeric values, for the given input file.


The output is going to be supported by what the model has learned in the training phase. Regression models use the input file features (independent variables) and their corresponding continuous numeric output values (dependent or outcome variables) to find out specific associations between inputs and corresponding outputs.

Techniques of Supervised Machine Learning algorithms include linear and logistic regression, multi-class classification, Decision Trees and support vector machines. Supervised learning requires that the info wont to train the algorithm is already labelled with correct answers.

For instance, a classification algorithm will learn to spot animals after being trained on a dataset of images that are properly labelled with the species of the animal and a few identifying characteristics.

Supervised learning problems are often further grouped into Regression and Classification problems. Both problems have as a goal the development of a succinct model which will predict the worth of the dependent attribute from the attribute variables.

The difference between the two tasks is that the incontrovertible fact that the dependent attribute is numerical for regression and categorical for classification.

A regression problem is when the output variable may be a real or continuous value, like “salary” or “weight”. many various models are often used, the only is that the rectilinear regression. It tries to suit data with the simplest hyper-plane which matches through the points.

Types of Regression Models:

Regression models are of two types

  • Simple Regression Model: This is often the foremost basic model during which predictions are formed from one, a univariate feature of the info.
  • Multiple Regression Model: As the name implies, during this model the predictions are formed from multiple features of the info.

Regressor models in Python are often constructed a bit like we constructed the classifier. Scikit-learn, a Python library for machine learning also can be wont to build a regressor in Python. In the following example, we’ll be building a basic regression model which will fit a line to the info i.e. linear regressor.

The required steps for building a regressor in Python are as follows:

Step 1: Importing necessary python package

For building a regressor using sci-kit-learn, we’d like to import it alongside other necessary packages. we will import them by using the following script:
import NumPy as np
from sklearn import linear_model
import sklearn. metrics as sm
import matplotlib. pyplot as plt

Step 2: Importing Dataset

After importing the necessary package, we’d like a dataset to create a regression prediction model. we will import it from the sklearn dataset or can use another one as per our requirement. We are getting to use our saved input file.

We will import it with the assistance of the following script:

input = r'C:\linear.txt'
Next, we'd like to load this data. We are using the np. load text function to load it.
input_data = np.loadtxt(input, delimiter=',')
X, y = input_data[:, :-1], input_data[:, -1]

Step 3: Organising the data for Training & Testing sets the purpose

As we’d like to check our model on unseen data hence, we’ll divide our dataset into two parts: a training set and a test set. The subsequent command will perform it:

training_samples = int(0.6 * len(X))
testing_samples = len(X) - num_training
X_train, y_train = X[:training_samples], y[:training_samples]
X_test, y_test = X[training_samples:], y[training_samples:]

Step 4: Model Evaluation & Prediction

After dividing the info into training and testing we’d like to create the model. we’ll be using the LinearRegression() function of Scikit-learn for this purpose. The following command will create a linear regressor object.

reg_linear = linear_model.LinearRegression()
Next, train this model with the training samples as follows −, y_train)
Now, eventually, we'd like to try to to the prediction with the testing data.
y_test_pred = reg_linear.predict(X_test)

Step 5: Plot & Visualisation

After prediction, we will plot and visualise it with the assistance of following script:

plt.scatter(X_test, y_test, color = 'red')
plt.plot(X_test, y_test_pred, color = 'black', linewidth = 2)

In the above output, we will see the regression curve between the info points.

Step 6: Performance Computation: We will also compute the performance of our regression model with the assistance of varied performance metrics as follows.

print("Regressor model performance:")
print("Mean absolute error(MAE) =", round(sm.mean_absolute_error(y_test, y_test_pred), 2))
print("Mean squared error(MSE) =", round(sm.mean_squared_error(y_test, y_test_pred), 2))
print("Median absolute error =", round(sm.median_absolute_error(y_test, y_test_pred), 2))
print("Explain variance score =", round(sm.explained_variance_score(y_test, y_test_pred), 2))
print("R2 score =", round(sm.r2_score(y_test, y_test_pred), 2))
Regressor model performance:
Mean absolute error(MAE) = 1.78
Mean squared error(MSE) = 3.89
Median absolute error = 2.01
Explain variance score = -0.09
R2 score = -0.09

Linear Regression

It is a commonly used algorithm and may be imported from the rectilinear regression class. one input variable (the significant one) is employed to predict one or more output variables, assuming that the input variable isn’t correlated with one another. it’s represented as :

y=b*x + c

where y- variable,x-independent,b-slope of the simplest fit line that would get accurate output and c -its intercept. Unless there’s a particular line that relates the dependent and independent variables there could be a loss in output which is typically taken because of the square of the difference between the anticipated and actual output, ie the loss function.

When you use quite one experimental variable to urge output, it’s termed Multiple rectilinear regression. This type of model assumes that there’s a linear relationship between the given feature and output, which is its limitation.

Ridge Regression-The L2 Norm

This is a sort of algorithm that’s an extension of a rectilinear regression that tries to attenuate the loss, also uses multiple correlation data. Its coefficients aren’t estimated by the ordinary method of least squares (OLS), but by an estimator called ridge, which is biased and has lower variance than the OLS estimator thus we get shrinkage in coefficients. With this type of model, we will reduce the model complexity also.

Even though coefficient shrinkage happens here, they aren’t completely put right down to zero. Hence, your final model will still include all of it.

Lasso Regression -The L1 Norm

It is the smallest amount of Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator. This penalises the sum of absolute values of the coefficients to attenuate the prediction error. It causes the regression coefficients for a few of the variables to shrink to Zero. It is often constructed using the LASSO class. one of the benefits of the lasso is its simultaneous feature selection. This helps in minimising the prediction loss.

Both lasso and ridge are regularisation method:

Types of ML Regression Algorithms

The most useful and popular ML regression algorithm is the rectilinear regression algorithm which further divided into two types namely:

  • Simple rectilinear regression algorithm
  • Multiple rectilinear regression algorithm

Why do we use Regression Analysis?

As mentioned above, the multivariate analysis estimates the connection between two or more variables. Let’s understand this with a simple example:

Let’s say, you would like to estimate growth in sales of a corporation supported by current economic conditions. you’ve got the recent company data which indicates that the expansion in sales is around two and a half times the expansion within the economy. Using this insight, we will predict future sales of the corporate supported current & past information.

There are multiple benefits of using multivariate analysis. they’re as follows:

  • It indicates the many relationships between variable and experimental variable.
  • It’s analysis also allows us to match the consequences of variables measured on different scales, like the effect of price changes and therefore the number of promotional activities. These benefits help market researcher’s/data analyst’s/data scientists to eliminate and evaluate the simplest set of variables to be used for building predictive models.


The applications of ML regression algorithm is mentioned below:

  • Forecasting or Predictive Analysis: One of the important uses of regression is forecasting or predictive analysis. For instance, we will forecast GDP, oil prices, or in simple words the quantitative data that changes with the passage of your time.
  • Optimisation: We will optimise business processes with the assistance of regression. For instance, a store manager can create a statistical model to know the peak time of the coming of consumers.
  • Error Correction: In business, taking correct decisions is equally important as optimising the business process. Regression can help us to require correct decisions also in correcting the already implemented decision.
  • Economics: It’s the foremost used tool in economics. we will use regression to predict supply, demand, consumption, inventory investment etc.
  • Finance: A financial company is usually curious about minimising the danger portfolio and need to understand the factors that affect the purchasers. Of these are often predicted with the assistance of the regression model.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Regression?

The key objective of regression-based tasks is to predict output labels or responses which are continuous numeric values, for the given input file.

What is Linear Regression?

It is the smallest amount Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator. This penalizes the sum of absolute values of the coefficients to attenuate the prediction error.


Using regression to form predictions doesn’t necessarily involve predicting the longer term. Instead, you are expecting the mean of the variable given specific values of the variable. Thus, Regression is an important algorithm used in machine learning.

By Madhav Sabharwal