Top 10 NodeJS Frameworks In 2021

Top 10 NodeJS frameworks in 2021
Top 10 NodeJS frameworks in 2021

In a fast-paced world where everyone is looking for the best results in the least amount of time, NodeJS frameworks are coming to the rescue of every developer. Everything is shifting to the digital space, which means a larger user base, and that eventually means greater demand of developers. 


NodeJS frameworks in the world of development is like an extra blaster in Iron Man’s suit. The work can be done at the base level, but it never hurts to have an extra tool in your pocket.

The developer community is a community of numerous creative and smart minds who come together every day to create something that inspires and something that is better than what had been created before. Due to this particular reason, there exists a number of frameworks for you to choose from and might eventually end up in you getting overwhelmed.

Almost like a child staring at sweets in a sweet-shop, isn’t it? Nonetheless, this blog will have the answer to all your queries and will definitely help you in picking the right framework for your NodeJS projects.

Let’s dive right in! 

What is NodeJS?

A node is a tool written in Javascript, C and C++ which when was announced made javascript one of the few languages which allowed developers to write server-side code as well.

Why is NodeJS special?

There are numerous things that make node special and a choice for a large number of web developers. Node runs the code in the environment of the developer’s computer instead of having to run it in the browser. It offers a bucket load of possibilities with the incessant contributions of the worldwide developer community who are leaving no stone unturned in creating new frameworks and libraries built on Node.js.

In one word, Node.js is power. The power to your amazing web applications.

Architecture of NodeJS

NodeJS functions on the ‘Single-Threaded Event Loop’ architecture. Parts of the Node.js architecture include requests, server, event queue, thread pool, event loop and external resources. Requests are sent from the client-side to the server-side to perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update and Delete). Node.js architecture can handle multiple requests at once without having the need to create multiple threads thereby decreasing the use of resources and memory.

Top 10 NodeJS Frameworks

1. Express.js


Express.js in 08 simple points:

  • No steep learning curve.
  • If you understand node, you will definitely understand express.
  • Express has an asynchronous architecture.
  • Improvised client-server interaction.
  • Top companies which use express – Twitter, Uber, Accenture, IBM etc.
  • Enhances the speed and performance of node.js applications.
  • APIs can be generated smoothly and with ease.
  • Strong security and error handling provisions.

2. Koa.js


Koa.js in 06 easy points for dummies:

  • Can create APIs and web services easily.
  • The content on your website can be personalised efficiently.
  • Similar to express, but you can roam around more freely. Koa.js is more breathable than express.
  • Lessor minimised errors due to the simplicity offered by koa.
  • Code is maintainable and clean.
  • If you have a huge project and your priority is performance, koa is your go-to framework.

3. Meteor-js


Metor.js in 05 amazing phrases for the brainy:

  • Javascript specific framework. (*Javascript developers have entered the chat*)
  • Excellent client-server communication with the help of dedicated libraries and tools.
  • Cross-platform. Already like a meteor?
  • Can be intertwined with other frameworks as well.
  • If your application requires real-time data streaming, meteor.js will come to your rescue.


SOCKET_JS (Can you imagine it as 0_0 too?)

  • Used to build real-time applications.
  • Perfectly suited for building chat applications like Messenger, Whatsapp and even websites that integrate customer support into their website which provides real-time customer assistance.
  • Extremely reliable.
  • Errors can be detected automatically.
  • APIs are available for both the client and server-side.
  • is the best tool for creating applications that involve real-time data exchange, for example chatting applications, video calling applications, multiplayer games etc.

5. Nest.js


Can nest.js nest in your list of frameworks?

  • Extremely flexible since it offers a large array of libraries.
  • The quality of applications built with nest.js is industry grade.
  • Nest.js is a combination of the two most important paradigms of programming – object-oriented programming and functional reactive programming. (Super cool)
  • Top levels of productivity and performance are delivered by nest.js.
  • It has its own CLI. (Now I see you are getting interested)
  • If you are familiar with Typescript and Angular, Nest.js would be an easy shift for you.

6. Sails.js


Why should you even consider sailing your applications with sails.js?

  • Sails.js follows MVC architecture guidelines.
  • Compatible with all databases.
  • Code customisation is as easy as spreading butter on bread.
  • Dependent on express.js and if you are going to use web sockets.
  • Rest APIs can be generated with sails.js.
  • Since sails.js is dependent on express and socket and offers a bundle of customisations, it is only logical for you to choose sails when you wish to build robust and highly customised chat applications.

7. Total.js


Is it total(ly) awesome?

  • Offers CMS experience.
  • Open-source. (More features, fewer errors)
  • High performance and comparatively low development and maintenance costs.
  • Tracks data in real-time.
  • Compatible with multiple databases and frontend frameworks.
  • Total.js should be used to develop heavy websites such as e-commerce applications etc.

8. Hapi.js


Yes, the framework is as interesting as its name. Read on:

  • Easily develop proxy servers and REST APIs.
  • Can also develop desktop applications. (Yes, Javascript is used to build desktop applications).
  • High-security offerings.
  • If you wish to develop proxy servers, REST APIs and need security from potential malware, hapi.js will definitely make your web application happy.

9. Feather.js


Light? Flexible? Everything feathery? YES!

  • Assists in mobile development in ReactNative.
  • Useful for the developers who do not wish to get into the intricacies of REST APIs.
  • Lightweight and has its own CLI.
  • Easy authorisation and authentication features.
  • If you wish to reduce your development time (for example you are participating in a hackathon and are short on the time parameter) and still develop amazing web and mobile applications, feather.js is your superman.

10. Loopback.js


And you won’t come back to any other framework.

  • Best connectivity with node.js. (Yes, loopback is node’s therapist.)
  • Structured and modular code.
  • Offers support for various servers, browsers, frameworks and databases.
  • Excellent and fun documentation.
  • Loopback should be used when you wish to incorporate an end to end APIs, security and authentication into your web application.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Node JS framework?

Often people get confused with Node.js being a framework. However, this is absolutely not the case. Node.js is a development platform which assists in giving the web applications the power to run javascript code at server side.

Is node.js a backend framework?

Node.js is not a framework but a tool or an environment which provides support to the backend of a website.

Is node.js a MVC framework?

No, Node.js is not a framework.

What are the best full stack NodeJS frameworks?

To classify something as ‘best’ you need to be clear with the use-case of a particular framework. Read the blog again and according to your needs whichever framework you find to be perfect, that is your best full stack Node.js framework.

Is Django a MVC?

Django follows the MVC guidelines, and hence yes, it is a python based MVC framework.