Data Structures for Dictionary & Spell Checker

Data Structures for Dictionary & Spell Checker
Data Structures for Dictionary & Spell Checker

Ever thought of how online dictionaries work? Data Structures is the reason how the words that you search gets displayed so instantly and even when you are not sure about the complete word the suggestions pop up.

There are a lot of ways of creating such a data structure but the problem comes when we have to perform some operations like lookup or suggestions function which might take a huge amount of time considering a dictionary would contain tens of thousands of words. Even some data structures cannot be even used for suggestions at all. They do not provide any option rather than having a complete word search in the set of words in the dictionary which will, in turn, result in lagging time complexity.

Implementing such a Data Structure


The idea is to store the words as key-value pair to look up easily and more efficiently. Hashing is basically used in unordered maps to store the words as key-value pairs hence the retrieving cost if just cost time. In C++ we have maps for implementing hashing as normal and unordered maps. Let us see an example:

Code Implementation:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
//use of map/hashing
int main() {
	// your code goes here
	map<int,string> mp; //storing words in the map
	int n;
	for(int i = 0;i<n;i++){
		string s;
		cin>>s; //input of words from the map
		mp[i] = s; //storing the words in the map
	for(auto word : mp){
		//printing the store value in the map
	return 0;

For lookup, we would require O(n) of time complexity to search through all the elements of the hash map. In C++ STL we use the find function for lookup operation. Hashing is effective when we have to store a key-value pair type of data.

Trie Data Structure

Trie is an efficient data retrieval data structure mostly used for string manipulations. It provides a way to store strings efficiently and also to search for them in a lot lesser time complexity. Each node of the Trie consists of 26 pointers (general implementation) of type node which is used to store the nodes of the adjacent or following character of the string, and a Boolean end of character which denotes the current node is the end of a word or not. We can insert and find a key(string) in O(n) time, where n is the length of the key.

Let us quickly see the code implementation:

class trienode {
    trienode *children[26];
    bool endofword;
        for(int i = 0;i<26;i++ )
            children[i] = NULL;
        endofword = false;
class Trie {
    trienode *root;
    /** Initialize your data structure here. */
    Trie() {
        root = new trienode;
    /** Inserts a word into the trie. */
    void insert(string word) {
        trienode *curr = root;
        for(char ch : word){
            int index = ch - 'a';
                curr->children[index] = new trienode();
            curr = curr->children[index];
        curr->endofword = true;
    /** Returns if the word is in the trie. */
    bool search(string word) {
       trienode *curr = root;
        for(char ch : word){
            int index = ch - 'a';
                return false;
            curr = curr->children[index];
        return (curr!=NULL && curr->endofword);
  • Time complexity for building the trie – O(n), n being the length of a key.
  • Time complexity for lookup- O(n), n being the length of the key to be searched.
  • Space complexity for trie – O (length of key * n * 26), n being the number of keys to be inserted.

We can also use a more memory efficient way for this implementation:

struct trie {
		bool endofword;
		unordered_map<char,trie*> mp;
			endofword = false;
struct trie *root;
void insert(string key){
	struct trie *curr = root;
	for(char ch : key){
			curr->mp[ch] = new trie;
			curr = curr->mp[ch];
	curr->endofword = true;
bool search(string key){
	struct trie *curr = root;
	for(char ch : key){
			return false;
		curr = curr->mp[ch];
	return (curr!=NULL && curr->endofword);

A general Trie will look like this in the dictionary.

Each of the root to leaf and in between prefixes can contain a word, it can denote multiple words which makes is quite simple for search for prefixes and suggestions for autocompletion. For example, typing “an” can suggest us two words – “answer” and “any” which can be easily seen from the above example that they belong to the same root node branch. For this lookup it just takes  where k is the length of the word to be searched. Hence this trie data structure becomes hugely popular and helpful in dictionary and spell checker program as a valuable data structure.

Ternary Search Trie

In this type of Trie now we store characters and values in the node rather than keys. It consists of three nodes left, middle, right. The idea is we consider the current node only when we move down i.e., to the middle node. If se select the next left or right node we do not consider the parent node data in our word.

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Let us see an example:

Consider the below diagram, the trie basically starts with the same structure although if we start from “s” and we want to include it like in for the word “share” we move down to “h” from “s” i.e., to the middle pointer. If we do not want to include “s” we move to either of the side pointers for any other word like “bare” or “toy”.

Code Implementation:

class node{
	int val;
	char c;
	node *left,*middle,*right;
node put(node x, string key, int val, int d){
	char c = key[d];
	if(x == NULL) {
		x = new node();
		x.c = c;
	if(c < x.c) x.left = put(x.left, key, val, d);
	else if(c > x.c) x.right = put(x.right, key, val, d);
	else if(d < key.length() - 1) x.mid = put(x.mid, key, val, d+1);
	else x.val = val;
	return x;
node getnode(node x,string key,int d){
	if(x == NULL)return NULL;
	char c = key[d];
	if(c < x.c) return getnode(x.left, key, val, d);
	else if(c > x.c) return getnode(x.right, key, val, d);
	else if(d < key.leght() - 1) return getnode(x.mid, key, val, d+1);
	else return x;

Time complexities:

  • Searching hitsL+InN, where N is the length of the word we are searching for.
  • Space complexity4N

Hence, we can see that ternary search tries are the most efficient data structure that we can build for dictionary and spell-checking purpose. Later more modifications have been implemented to make this more efficient. These can also be used in a small project for dictionary portfolio.

Hope this article helps aspiring developers and programmers and helps in clearing some of the concepts which were difficult to understand earlier. To explore our courses, you check out our website now.

By Aniruddha Guin