Java vs JavaScript: A quick walkthrough!

Java vs JavaScript: A quick walkthrough!
Java vs JavaScript: A quick walk through!

Learning programming language sounds like fun yet a handy thing, doesn’t it? In this competitive world that we live in, knowing something which is going to shape the world in the future will always be a positive note to one’s profile.

Most of the people in this world get themselves confused thinking Java and JavaScript are the same just because they have the same four letters JAVA. However, to make it easy to understand, Java Is To Javascript, As Ham Is To Hamburger, which means both don’t have anything to do with each other except the first four letters of their name. To clear a major misconception Java is not a subset of JavaScript or vice versa.

Let me put this in context giving a brief comparison between these two so that you can choose which is best for you to learn as a coder or a developer in 2020. Stay on this article till the end to know what’s best for you.

The core idea of Java and JavaScript

The script was first introduced in Netscape navigator and was originally called live script. Since it was having trouble getting traction and so they changed their name to leverage the positive buzz that Java was earning as a programming language at that time. However, people say that the whole name JavaScript was a marketing ploy to gain interest and excitement and pull off some of that positive buzz from the Java programming language.

Real differences between Java and JavaScript

The idea is to comprehend front-end development versus back-end development. For the most part, JavaScript is a front-end development language which is interpreted by the browser, meaning that like HTML and CSS it is run in the browser. The browser interprets all of these languages, hence they are the core technologies for front-end development.

JavaScript is executed line by line, by the browser whereas Java as well as other full-blown programming languages such as C#, C++ or visual basic, are compiled truly before they can be run and that compiler typically runs on the server. Therefore Java would typically be a back-end program that runs on the server.

Now, this would get confusing as JavaScript also can be run on the back-end and Java also can create Java applets that can be run by the browser, but for the most part, you can think of Java as a standalone programming language that is compiled at the back-end by the server whereas JavaScript is front-end language that is interpreted by the browser which is the big distinction between the two languages.

Defining features of Java and JavaScript

Java – Statistically typed language

When you boil that tech language down it means that declaring variables in Java is much more rigid than in JavaScript. Here’s a brief example of declaring the variables in Java,

String name = "Hasselhoff";
int benchPress = 114;
String [] myStringArray = {"a", "b", "c"};

In this example, the name variable up top is a string, the type of value that is going to be stored inside the name variable will be a string. In Java you have to specify the types of values you are going to be saving to a specific variable not only that but once you declare that a variable is a particular type of data a string for this example it must remain a string for its entire lifetime.

JavaScript – Dynamically typed data

In this, you do not have to specify the types of data you are saving to a variable.

let name = "Hassleofff",
let benchPress = 114;
let mystringArray = ["a", "b", "c"];

When you notice here, there’s nothing about a string being saved in the name it’s simply a variable name, same with benchpress, same with mystringArray. Not only this but in JavaScript, variables can be reassigned to values with different data types. As given below, the last name Coppola can easily be changed to a value 4 and again if you want to change the last name, it’s easy to do so.

let lastName = “coppala”;
lastName = 4;
lastName = “cage”;

OOPS [Object oriented programming language]:

Java is an object-oriented programming language which makes use of objects to perform actions based on a relation between them. JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language. It makes use of the entity to perform actions similar in Java.


Java application and programs run in JVM known as Java virtual machine. Also, you need to install JDK and JRE which are Java development tools and you have the virtual tool machine to execute your code in Java. This means that all your programs will be running inside JVM.

JavaScript applications run on a web and there is no need for any setup which makes it quite simple compared to Java. You just need to write your code and run it on the browser.

Compilation and Execution – working of the languages

The compilation is a step-by-step procedure consisting of Pre-processing, Compiling, Gathering and relating. Java and JavaScript have variation in the compilation as they are programming language and scripting language respectively. You were waiting for this difference, weren’t you?

Java is both compiled and interpreted. Every Java programme is compiled at first to byte code which the Java runtime environment understands. The byte code generated with the file extension is saved. Java Virtual machine reads the byte codes making it an interpreted language.

JavaScript is completely an interpreted language. This means every instruction given in the program is elucidated and debugged. Scripted languages do not need compilation before execution. Just-in-time compilation happens with the execution of the programme.

Affinity – Compatibility of Java and JavaScript

Compatibility is the state of elements present that are going well together. Java and JavaScript are widely used and trending languages, there is no doubt they are highly compatible. Keep in track of all the salient points you are reading in this article.

Windows, Linux and macOS support Java and it is cross-platform compatible. Considering Java programming language, three different compatible modes are included: Source, binary and behavioural. Java is compatible with all these categories.

JavaScript is supported on various Operating systems too. It can also run on different browsers like Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Here is a quick tip: Check for the compatibility range before starting any programming language. Comparing the Compatibility of both the languages, they both run on different browsers but JavaScript runs on most of the modern browsers, that is preferable for web development.

Hiring and Salary – Learn and Earn

 Java has preferred mostly in all the computer science-related sectors, despite JavaScript being a fresh and latest language. JavaScript is nonetheless to Java, it is preferred in the United States more compared to India. 

Many start-ups are squeezing out the massive use of JavaScript-based ideas. Banking industries and, the mechanical industries are still preferring Java. Aren’t you scrolling down to check out the salary ranges? As Java is being required by major Industries, it pays well compared to JavaScript. This doesn’t end here.

Java developers learn a lot to master the language, spend much time, but currently paid the highest. Comparatively, JavaScript developers don’t use much time learning the Language to expertise it. This makes the huge difference where JavaScript could be the higher demand soon and the salary peaks may vary accordingly.

Learning Java and JavaScript – what is the simple, yet fast language to learn?

Java is appreciated more than JavaScript in the case of a novice programmer. If you are starting with the first Programming language, go with Java as it teaches you all the fundamentals of a programming language. It is all compiled and executed.

JavaScript is an interpreted language and its abstraction level is much higher. When you have started with Java and later moving to JavaScript, you will easily understand  “what’s happening behind the screen” concept. This is the case only when you are a newbie with no prior programming knowledge.

Experience in C and C++ languages can help you start directly with JavaScript as you would already have basic knowledge of how things work and you will get comfortable with the scripting language eventually.

Listed are so many pros and cons of Java and JavaScript. Understand every language before you drop yourself into it. “Look before you leap” is considered the best proverb for starting to groove your coding skills. Java is helpful to develop mobile applications and Backend Programmes, whereas JavaScript aids in web development and websites.

You need to read all the differences and pave your way to reach the destination with Java or JavaScript. You can even master both the languages and become a full stack developer. The future scope of Java or JavaScript would be a surprise for you. Demand levels may vary with the upcoming technologies.

It is preferred to start with Java and learn JavaScript on the go and specialise both is the better way to make a steady future as a developer. Look! Coding isn’t boring. It’s time now! Get your notes and start preparing your favourite one.