Head-on comparison of what Python and Javascript has to offer

Head-on comparison of what Python and Javascript has to offer
Head-on comparison of what Python and Javascript has to offer

Both Python and Javascript have different programming paradigms. Whenever you want to code something, you search for programming languages with different programming paradigms. Classifying them, we get two crucial programming language paradigms, i.e. procedural programming language and object-oriented programming language.

Simple but Smart: Python is a high-level programming language developed to work with simple and complex codes. It is specially designed for beginners, user-friendly and easy to maintain. It runs on the server-side region of the program. Jumping to the cons in Python, they are a bit slow. Generally, code is interpreted to native code at compiling time; instead, Python code is compiled at runtime. It is not suitable for mobile development as it can work mainly in back-end developments.

Don’t say OOPS!
Javascript is related to OOPS, expanded as an Object-Oriented Programming language. Web developers mostly love it as it works well in both mobile and web development. When you are looking at a webpage, you don’t want to look at all the static information that is displayed instead, you would love to see dynamic content over there. This is where JavaScript plays its role if you have been working with HTML and CSS lately, start with JavaScript now. It runs on both the client-side and server-side. Holding all the pros of JavaScript, on one hand, the other holds complex coding areas which include class definitions and syntax.

By understanding the pros and cons of both languages, you can choose the language you want.

Container – Data types
Data types hold the values that expression might use. It provides information on how the programmer wants to use the data included. Data types include numeric types, set types, mapping types, Boolean types, character/text types. In a Python programming language, numeric types consist of int, float and complex. These data types work with numerical values (example: int a=10) that the data contains. Set types provide a set and frozen set which intends the data to work on a collection of words.

(example : a = { “green” , “blue” , “black” } )
Mapping types allow you to work with a dictionary
(example : b = {“name” : “John” , “profession” : Python developer} )
Javascript’s data types comprise numbers, BigInt, boolean, undefined, symbols and much more. You don’t find a BigInt in Python. The arbitrary length has a number of integers which are represented with BigInt. Undefined shows that a variable is declared at a place, but the value is not assigned.

Code Blocks
Code blocks define the structure of the program that is to be executed. Declaration statements are provided inside the code blocks. All the codes written are grouped and displaced as a single program using code blocks. In Javascript, you must use a curly bracket to group the codes. This could not be an advantage in Javascript, because you need to track the brackets to end them properly.
In Python language, you need to indent the codes to run them accordingly, which is much more comfortable. It has syntax and libraries already inbuilt inside the interface.

Data’s in Python and Javascript could be numeric values. Python uses integer values like int, floating points or decimal points as the float. When a list is declared, the index value should be an integer; else the code throws an error.

Example : x=5
Output :

Javascript doesn’t hold different types for numbers. Either it is an integer number or floating-point, all the numbers are considered as floating points.

1.Example : var x=5
Output : number
2.Example : var y=5.2
Output : number

Variety brings Versatility
You cannot precisely decide which language is versatile. Both languages are used in web development. It is widely used in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, analytics of data. JavaScript and Python are also used in Enterprise Resource Planning, abbreviated as ERP. When you are about to start with any of these options, go for Python. Javascript has separate pros, including mobile development, and it works on server-side and client-side, which is not available in Python.

Pass on the legacy – Inheritance
Inheritance defines a class where the properties and methods are inherited from other class. Python and Javascript use different bases of inheritance. Python uses class-based inheritance, and Javascript uses prototype-based inheritance.
In Python, the classes are subdivided into a base class and derived class. A base class is also termed as parent class. It is the class from which other classes are being inherited from. Derived class or child class is the class that gets inherited from a parent class or another class. Both the parent class and child class use the same syntax. In Javascript, it has only one constructor, and the constructors are objects. The objects provide the link to other objects, termed as a prototype. This is why Javascript’s inheritance works as a prototype-based inheritance.

Speed is what everyone wants
Developers care about the speed of application, such that in terms of speed, Javascript is faster than Python, as it is a statistically typed and compiled language. It takes less time to execute at hold. On the other hand, Python is dynamically typed and an interpreted language. It determines the type of data and the data type of the variable at random, thereby making it relatively slower than Javascript.
The phrase ‘dynamically typed’ means that Python performs by checking at run time while statistically compiled languages like Javascript perform the checking at the compile time. At the same time speaking of speed, Python is considered to be the fastest-growing and widely used language, whereas Javascript is an evergreen programming language used by most companies.

Code and Syntax Writing
You might have heard that coding in Python is less and easy compared to Javascript, it’s true. Javascript has more lines of code compared to Python, which means more work for you. That’s because you need to start your program with a class and put your desired methods inside.
In the case of Python, you can start writing code and execute it. For example, if you try it with file handling in Javascript, you need to write almost ten lines of code whereas in Python it takes only simple lines of code. In the case of Javascript, both the variable declaration and semicolon are most important, but in Python, none of them is required. At the same time, in Python, indentation is a must, but it’s not required in Javascript.

Practical Agility
Well, when it comes to practical agility Javascript is more famous for web and mobile application whereas Python is used for IoT (Internet of things), Artificial intelligence and Machine learning. Javascript provides more undeviating refactoring support than Python because it is static and universality of the IDF (intermediate distribution frame) for development, but Python is the most popular choice for all technologies in recent times. Compared to Javascript, there is a comprehensive application used with Python.

Knit you own Web Application
Javascript and Python have equal amounts of frameworks to support your application and needs. Python has Django, which is an MVC based web framework that has everything from authentication to ORM. In short, Django is a framework that every startup desires. It has many more frameworks, such as Flask, bottle, Zope, etc.
Javascript has a stable framework which is much suitable for an enterprise industry such as Spring that is like an elder brother of Django. Spring has everything, but it is not as easy as Django, Javascript also has Hibernate, Struts, Grade, but most of them feel old fashioned. If you are a starter your go to will be Python whereas if you grow at an enterprise-level, it will be Javascript as it is much stable.

Trends and Job Market
In the current trend, Python is increasing and dominating the search in the United States. While in the case of India, the trend for Javascript in five years is continually decreasing, and the trend for Python is relatively increasing. Python is considered to be the most popular language introduced to students surpassing Javascript programming from a survey conducted by the association for computing machinery. There are several reasons for this shift, including that Python is a general-purpose language which means it can be used to build anything.
When it comes to salary, Python developers will get a better salary compared to Javascript because of its increased demands in recent time. This increase in demand is because most of the Jobs are oriented to Artificial Intelligence and Automation, which again mostly uses Python over Javascript. But comparing the salary of an experienced Python and Javascript developer, Javascript has dominated overtime because of its way long stay in the industry compared to Python.

On the whole, these are some of the pros and cons of both languages. Hopefully, you understood Python and Javascript a bit more after reading this article. Some prefer Python to Javascript and vice versa, but it is all about the usage of language in your application. Decide which programming language suits your needs and get a head-start on it before the next wave of demand.

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