Python Data types for Beginners

Python Data Types for Beginners
Python Data Types for Beginners

In the recent era of the programming world, we can clearly say that Python is one of the most preferred programming languages. It is due to its simplicity to code any programme as it allows the developers to focus all their efforts on the implementation parts instead of complex programs.

As for beginners, it is boon as it is declared that Python is the programming language by which one can easily start their programming journey very easily because it provides better readability and ease of access. But when we are going to become Master of any programming languages not only python but also all the other programming language we need to develop a strong and thorough understanding of its fundamental concepts. Here we talked about Python, for Python, these fundamental concepts are Variables and Data Types. And here in this section we mainly talked about the Data Types in Python.

Data types in Python:

Data Types mainly concerns how data storage and manipulation of data work in a programming language, as without these foundations we have no idea to develop a thorough
understanding of that language. As the Developers prefer Python because it provides features and ease of use, that no other programming language offer.

Every value in Python programming language has a Data Types, Since everything is an object in Python Programming, So Data Types are actually other forms of classes, and Variables are the object of these classes. An important characteristic feature that Python provides is Dynamic Typing. As the operation that can be applied to a variable depends on its data type. So A Variables can only be used for the computations or performing some operations over it, but these all happen when these variables have a Data Types against there name. These all things
are happen with another programming language like C++, Java, but in Python, we have no need to explain all such things, As Python is a dynamically typed language Here variables are not
bound to datatypes that have been assigned to them.

In Python when we write a=10 then it writes this 10to a position which has much more spaces, Again when we write a=20 then it again create a new space as it can’t write these 20 along with the previous 10, So Python recreates new storage each time when it needs to store variables, as they are Dynamic Typed language so these features are inbuilt in Python programming Languages.

Here One Question may arise to find out the data types related to the variables then we can easily find these by using the command:- type(variable name).

Standard Data Types in Python

Number: The three Numeric Data Types supported by Python include integers, float and the last complex numbers. Integers can be of any length it can only be limited by the memory available in the system It means that Integers feature all the numbers including positive and negative but without decimal points. Floats are real numbers that shown with a decimal point that separates the fractional and the integers parts, a floating-point number is accurate upto 15 decimal places, and at last, the complex numbers which written as (a+ib) which consist a real and an imaginary part. Here “a” is the real part and “b” is the imaginary part. Again we can use type( ) function to know which numeric data type belongs to a variable.

Example: The following image of a piece of code clearly describe the Python Number Data Types:-

And its required output is:-

Python List: The list is an ordered sequence of items. It is one of the most used data types in Python and is very flexible. All the items in a list do not need to be of the same type. One of the best features of the List is that it stores the number of multiple elements the same time and along with that it also maintains the order of these elements. The basic difference between the Array and the List is A list contains multiple elements of different data types and in An Array, It contains multiple elements but of same data types. So, List, is Hetrogeneousand Array is Homogeneous.

How to Create a List:-

Creating a List is straight forward as they can be created using square brackets [ ].

List Name=[ Multiple Element] Here multiple elements are separated bycommas ( , ).

Li=[ ] statesan emptylist

Li=[ 1,2,3] statesalistof homogeneous types.

We can find the typeof databytype( ) command.

One most important things which one should know about the list is that List is Mutable, it means that the value of elements of a list can be changed.

Python Tuples: Tuples are used to write-protect data and are usually faster than lists as they cannot change dynamically. It is defined within parentheses ( ) and is separated by commas. Tuples are not too different from lists, so it’s no wonder they are used in situations in which list can also be used. The only difference between these two is the list contains the mutable objects and are enclosed between square brackets while tuples contain immutable objects and are enclosed between parentheses.

Python Strings: String is simply known as “sequence of characters” Ex:-“Mayank”. But in reality, it is different as in reality it is a“sequence of Unicode”. Now the question arises that What is this Unicode? Actually Unicode works in deep of strings as we write that s= “Mayank” then How the ‘M’ stores in computer then ‘a’ then ‘y’ and so on, How these characters are stores that’s where the Unicode works for the strings. As we already know that the Computer System works in the form of (0, 1) so encoding the characters in form of0,1 is Unicodes.

Simply We can understand it as the work which ASCII code perform for the programming language like C++ and C is performed by the Unicodes here in the Python Programming
languages. We can use single quotes or double quotes to represent strings. Multi-line strings can be stored or denoted using triple quotes. Strings are immutable.

Following example shows us that How string actually works:

Python Sets: Set is an unordered collection of unique items. Set is defined by the values separated by commas inside the braces { }. The elements in the set are stored in an unordered manner. There are multiple set operations like Union, Intersection which we perform on the sets. They have their unique Values they eliminate the duplicates.

Python Dictionary: It is an unordered collection of key-value pairs. Dictionary is generally used when we have a huge amount of data. Dictionaries are optimised for retrieving data. In Python, Dictionaries enables storage and access to data that has something or others to do with the computers as well as humans. Dictionaries are defined within braces { } with each item in the pair of the form (key: value). Keys are unique and Value could be integers, floats, string or even a combination of these. We use the key to retrieve the respective value. Dictionaries work like a list in a sense that they can be changed at any given point during run time.

Conclusion: At last we find that learning Python or any other programming languages begin by understanding the concept that is a basic part of its foundation. And Variables and data types are those basic concepts which one have a strong understanding when it comes to learning and successfully implementing Python.

By Mayank Mishra