6 tips to furnish your web development project

Furnish your web development project

A great web development project goes beyond just making your site look pretty. You have to keep in mind the user experience. 

You don’t want your users to be frustrated trying to find what they are looking for. In order to make sure that your audience has a productive and enjoyable experience, you can follow the following tips to furnish your website.

1. Check for responsiveness 

Having a mobile-friendly and responsive website should be your top priority. Anyone who checks out your site will first look if it’s running well on their particular device. Whether it’s a phone, laptop, or tablet, the site must look perfect. Make sure that the site is responsive.

If your website is not responsive enough, Google will drop you in rankings and searches. You will also lose visitors as they have a hard time looking at your content in certain formats. Try to make your menus concise, simple and easy to use. 

2. Site speed must be the priority

The speed of your site impacts the number of visitors that you receive and retain. No one would want to look at a page that loads slowly, even if it’s beautifully designed. 

As per the Kissmetrics blog, around 40% of the people abandon a site that takes more than 3 seconds to load.

Test your website with a speed tester to have an idea of how long it takes to load. A page that loads faster is ranked up higher in Google’s search results. Therefore, load time has a great impact on your page SEO.

To speed up your website, you can try out the following methods:

  • Enable caching – This is one of the most important steps for improving loading speed of your website. By doing this, you can store a cached version of your site on the user’s computer. So, it allows user to navigate faster when the user comes back to your site.
  • Upgrade hosting – You can upgrade the hosting to decrease the load time of your site. It may seem to be an extra expense on your end, but a quick loading website is a great thing to make a great impression of your web development prowess.
  • If you are a WordPress user, try to disable plugins that you have enabled. Every plugin that you install adds a couple of loading times. So, make sure that you disable the unnecessary plugins.
    3. Be consistent with design and text

Certain elements on your website can distract the user from the message you are trying to convey. Complicated animation, long content, stock web images are a few of them. 

Did you know that the average human attention span is just 8 seconds? Keeping in mind the short attention span of your audience, you have to create a first impression that easily gets the main points across. 

You can do so through short, powerful sections of content with applicable photos that are sectioned off by clear and concise headers. 

Try to avoid words such as flexible, cutting edge, best-of-breed, etc. They are being used by thousands of companies and they don’t make your content any more appealing. 

4. Perfect your navigation menu

Look at this aspect from a user’s point of view. Is it too difficult to get around the website? Are the menus and toolbars useful for users? 

If yes, then you have to simplify the navigation for your audience. Even if you have a lot of content to display, you have to map it out differently. 

Keep in mind the following points when simplifying website navigation:

  • Do not include more than 7 items in your main menu
  • Users should be able to access any point of your website within 3 clicks or less.
  • Be as descriptive as possible.
  • Keep your navigation bar fixed.

Simple navigation will give you a traffic spike almost immediately. The audience will stay on your website much longer.

5. Include a search function

Have you ever left a website because you were unable to find the desired information? Well, do not let this happen to your website audience!

Including a search function on your website will make it easy for the visitors to quickly find exactly what they are looking for.

6. Choose scrolling over clicking

How would you present the information if you don’t compress it into sliders? You can put everything on one page, including the stuff usually tucked away.

It has been observed from various researches that users prefer scrolling a lot more to clicking. Therefore, you are advised to present your product information in a single page rather than spreading it across many pages. 

Bottom line

With more and more people opting for online business, a user-friendly website isn’t just desirable, it’s required if you want to be successful. The easier people can find the information, the higher the chances that they will eventually stay and interact with your site.

You can make use of the above tips to furnish your web development project and enhance audience activity. If you are looking to improve your web development skills, be sure to check out the courses offered by Coding Ninjas. Our in-depth course on web development will surely sharpen your skills and help you become an expert. 

To lear more about web development, click here.