5 Best industry trends for a computer science student

For anyone who is looking to start their career, it is important to keep up with the industry trends in their respective industries. Today, the industry with most advancements at regular intervals is the IT industry. So, it becomes even more important for a computer science student to stay abreast with industry trends. 

Not only does it help to be aware and be able to participate in conversations with your colleagues, but it‌ ‌will also help you to explore new and better avenues for your career. So, in this post, we are going to discuss 5 industry trends. Let’s get started:

  1. Internet of Things and its impact.


While the technology has been around for a while now, it is still in a very nascent stage. Put simply, it has not yet been able to disrupt up to its potential. Corporations and startups alike, all of them are exploring ways on how the software can be fully integrated with the hardware. 

For this, the demand for computer science students has been seen to have surpassed that of the experts in electronics. So, it’s important for students to keep a close eye on this and try experimenting with some relevant projects. 

  1. The next steps in AI


Did you think that the impact of artificial intelligence and its applications had reached a saturation level? Well, it hasn’t! In the last year, various other use-cases have sprung up. And without any doubt, the smart corporations have been quick to implement in their own businesses. 

One of the most popular ones is NLG. You might confuse it with the NLPs, but it would be wrong to do that. In fact, NLGs perform a totally different function than NLPs. If you wish to build expertise in Artificial Intelligence, you can take up our course.

  1. Cybersecurity

Today, companies are very careful about their data. Since data is being hailed as the oil of our generation, it’s security has become even more important. As a matter of fact, companies are investing a lot in cybersecurity.

Apart from the direct economies involved, the fear of reputational damage has also made the key decision-makers really cautious about their cybersecurity strategy. Because of the incredible scope in cybersecurity, even VCs and investors are starting to back startups. In 2018, VC investments in cybersecurity saw a record high –  crossing the 5 billion mark. 

Malware attacking websites and big chunks of data being stored in their data centers is a really big problem for companies today. Not only this, even the small entrepreneurs building their business from scratch are exposed to cyber-attacksIf you think fighting off such elements might intrigue you, then you are in luck as the industry needs really good cybersecurity minds. 

  1. Blockchain and its jobs boom

Blockchain, the distributed ledger technology is touted as one of the most revolutionary technologies in the world. From supply chains to financial services, everything is being disrupted by blockchain. Not only this, there is a boom of really high paying jobs in the blockchain industry. 

A study by Glassdoor has found that the demand for blockchain engineers have increased by 300% over the last year. Apart from this, the fact that these jobs offer a considerably higher payout than the median salary in IT makes it an even bigger catch. 

After a quite slow market for cryptocurrencies in the year 2018, there has been a significant rise as the second half of 2019 approached. This has made the boom in blockchain jobs get even bigger. To set out on your journey to becoming a blockchain expert, you have to start from the basics. Understanding of cryptography and hashing might be really helpful as well. 

  1. API economy and Microservices

Accelerating the time to production is important for every project manager today. APIs serve this purpose quite well. Not only are the decision-makers able to reduce costs by using APIs, but they are also able to boost efficiency and make their applications more reliable. Today, the applications are built with API, microservices, and containerization. So, even you need to understand the importance of these trends and transform the way you look at product development.

Frequently Asked Questions

What jobs will be in demand 2021?

The computer science jobs that will be in demand in 2021 will be AI specialists, data scientists, robotics engineers, data analysts, full stack engineers, cybersecurity specialists, cloud engineers.

Which technology is in demand in IT jobs 2021?

The technology that is in demand for IT and computer science jobs in 2021 is artificial intelligence, cloud, devops, blockchain, big data and full stack engineering.

What computer science jobs pay the most?

The computer science jobs that pay the most are software engineer, software architect, data engineer, devops engineer and computer scientist.

What fields of computer science will be in the highest demand after 2020?

The computer science jobs that will be in highest demand after 2020 are AI specialists, data scientists, data analysts, full stack engineers, cybersecurity specialists, blockchain developers and cloud engineers.

Which IT jobs pay the most?

The IT jobs that pay the most are IT project manager, IT security consultant, site reliability engineer etc.

Which IT skill is most in demand?

The IT skill that is most in demand is artificial intelligence.

Key Takeaways

So, these were some of the trends that every computers student must be aware of. Did we miss any important trends? Feel free to let us know in the comment box. If you are looking to make yourself ready for the challenges in the real world, check out the courses offered by Coding Ninjas.