Ruby on rails for your next web development project!


With the rapid growth of the ‘online’ scenario, websites and web apps are the rage now. And why not?

When you can access anything you need with just a click of a button, be it information or be it that super cool product that’s making headlines — you can get anything and everything online!

This is why smart business owners are readily shifting to the online domain to extend their reach to the vast pool of netizens who’re always on the lookout for awesome websites and applications. Now, coming to the important question — do you know which programming language takes the crown for web dev?

It’s Ruby on Rails of course!

What is Ruby on Rails (RoR)?

Ruby is an Object Oriented programming language and a cross-platform web development application built on top of Ruby. One of the best features of RoR is that it is open-source. Also, RoR leverages the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and comes with a rich array of useful libraries. Such features allow programmers and developers to build highly database driven websites.

Why choose Ruby on Rails for web development?

Here are reasons why you should choose Ruby on Rails for your next web dev project!

1. Super easy to learn!

This is perhaps the most commendable features of RoR that makes it extremely beginner-friendly language. With a simple syntax and code generation style, RoR is very easy to learn and understand. It uses simple English and a domain-specific language approach. So, things are never complicated with RoR.

2. It is open-source.

As we mentioned before, RoR is an open-source framework and hence, it is absolutely free of cost. This makes it an excellent choice for startups and emerging businesses that have limited financial resources.

3. Fantastic libraries!

Another feather in the cap of RoR is its rich and extensive library support. These libraries are so useful that they can speed up the process of web development to a great extent. In RoR, libraries are known as gems which can be easily combined with basic functions of the language. Then there are modules that can be used for arranging classes, constants, and so on.

4. It is highly scalable.

It is a known fact that Ruby is a highly scalable and reliable language that allows you to perform a number of tasks seamlessly. For instance, as Ruby supports the caching function, you can check out the fragment caching within an app’s code. Then again you can use its multi-server automation tool that not only helps to automate variants of a new application but also deploy it to a location. The advantage of the Rails framework on top of Ruby is that it allows programmers/developers to leverage the Chef platform — a cloud infrastructure that helps manage the infrastructure dependencies for the development of folder structure.

5. It is all about clean coding!

RoR supports a simple and neat coding syntax. RoR principles like REST (Representational State Transfer), COC (Convention Over Configuration), CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete), and KISAP (Keep It Simple As Possible) allow for faster and cleaner code generation, devoid of any redundancy.

Also, RoR supports agile software development wherein tasks are divided into smaller chunks for the ease of execution.

If these aren’t enough, you should know that RoR is the secret sauce behind some of the most successful websites including Shopify, Twitch, GitHub, Airbnb, Hulu, Zendesk, SoundCloud, Yellow Pages, to name a few. To conclude, RoR is a highly efficient and powerful web development tool that has been embraced by millions of developers across the globe.

You too could master Ruby on Rails by enroling in our inclusive course on Web Development with Ruby on Rails! The course will help you get started from ground-zero. By helping you understand coding logic, and inculcating the thinking of a developer, this course will help you create beautiful web applications with ease.

Also, if you’re just starting out with web development and are looking for the best language for you, let’s also tell you a bit about Node.js. Head over to our blogs to read more about Node and the benefits it offers and make an informed choice!

To read about other programming languages for your career, click here.