Coding Hacks for Non-Developers

Coding hacks for developers
Coding hacks for developers


Yes, coding is extremely exciting, but it is challenging too. It requires a certain degree of expertise in Computer Science and an air of flair in computer programming. But if you think that the benefits of coding are exclusively limited to tech geeks like software developers or coders, you are absolutely wrong! Everyone can benefit from coding by possessing basic knowledge about coding concepts and programming languages. Whether you are a retailer or marketer, coding can prove to be of immense help to you.

So, listen up all you non-developers out there, here are some coding hacks to make your life easy!

  1. Code It Up!

The foremost coding hack has to be learning and grasping the coding lingo, that is, gaining a basic knowledge about the fundamental coding concepts. Begin small by learning coding terminologies such as tags, brackets, properties, variables, modules, class, errors, streams, and so on. Then move on to more advanced coding concepts like source code, style sheets, queues, stacks, linting, callbacks, task automation, and reactive programming, to name a few. Finally, dare to take up a programming language and master it like a pro!

Learning these things will not only expand your knowledge base, but it will also help you perform specific tasks such as building your company websites and troubleshooting problems all by yourself!

  1. Explore The Source Code

While surfing websites and web pages, you must have noticed that whenever you right-click on a web page or site, you can see the option “View Page Source.” Did you know that by further clicking on this, you can see the source code of any website or webpage?

You can use this to your advantage – by exploring the source code of other websites, you can see how different people are managing their website and designing their functionalities. By doing so, you can see your learnings materialize before your eyes in real-world use cases. Usually, the specific functions of the lines contained in the source code are given beside the code. You can carefully examine these to understand how to build a code to attain a specific function.

  1. HTML Is The Way To Go!

Not only is HTML one of the earliest coding languages but it is also much easier to master (as compared to other high-level languages today). And the best part is that today, you just have to go to the Internet and you’ll see an array of helpful and informative tutorials on HTML.

There’s absolutely no need to rush – take baby steps and learn HTML concepts one at a time. This will help you to gain clarity over a particular concept before you jump to the next, without crowding and overwhelming your learning and understanding abilities.

  1. Search Forums Are Your Friend

While writing code, you might often find yourself getting stuck at places. Don’t be disheartened, for it’s completely natural. It takes a lot of time, patience, and hard work to attain perfection. In case you ever get stuck, let Google help you out. There are many, many search forums on the Internet and believe me, whatever problem you are facing, someone somewhere has faced it too. By seeking help on search forums, you can learn some of the best coding practices from the masters and simultaneously expand your network by connecting with new people.

  1. Practice Your Way To Perfection

This age-old advice never gets old. The more you experiment with coding, the better you get with time. The Internet is full of helpful resources and platforms where you can find both coding problems to solve as well as the best ways to solve them. You could also create an unpublished page on your website and experiment with various aspects of coding on it. For instance, copy another site’s source code on the page and try manipulating it or you could also write your own code. The best part about practising like this is that you never have to worry about crashing your website or ruining its functionality.

Now, go on, utilise these hacks to make your life more convenient and dare to create something innovative.

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Happy coding!